Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Mine would rather be out in the rain if it's not to heavy. The seem to spend a fair amount of time in it without actually getting wet, just slightly damp on the outside of thier feathers.

The only one I have to watch with that, is Mindy Araucana, who seems to adore getting drenched, when sudden rain appears. And then its cuddle time in a towel, a visit with Miss Ruby while in the cat carrier and heater on ... and she's ok to be returned when dried off. Silly little girl.

The other two big girls, wisely retire to parts that are dry - their coop.

But there has been such a steady downpour of rain here, --- it's been lock up time. Too bad - but they honestly don't complain. They just look out of their coop with sad faces.

So what is everybody's weekend rain score so far? We are sitting on 129mm as at 5am this morning and looking at the radar the heavy stuff is only just arriving now.
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Good morning folks :frow Fancy I had typed “that is such a sad story about the horses and also very scary” but then I read your follow up that it may not be true. Very strange! appps may be onto something with the insurance scam idea but it makes you wonder if it would work, I am sure it could easily be disproved? appps love the comic! Fizzybelle tee hee, very subtle, not! Lol “I must say though, D’Uccles’s get on well with Pekins” :lau What about Princesses? ;) Enjoy the uni break. So, I was laying in bed, listening to the rain at 07:15am, thinking that there would be no rush to take breakfast out to the girls because they would all be in the coop. I peaked out the window and there they all were, in the run, waiting for breakfast! So far we have had 46mm and the coop and run are dry. The edges of the run are damp where the wind has blown some rain in, but so far so good. satay are you dancing in the rain? ;) satay is the green circle, we are the yellow:
Unfortunately not mate. we got a grand total of 18mm. Just enough to settle the dust. My sister in law at arana hills got 189mm and she lives in a house that has a completely concrete yard. Go figure.
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Good morning folks

Aaaw gees satay, sorry to hear you did not get much rain

Yeah, I also heard that Coffs Harbour was being evacuated and a couple of other NSW spots I think.

As is usually the case, the rain has been followed up by wind which is howling as I type. Hopefully it will die down as the day progresses; Princesses do not do wind either and are currently sheltering in the coop

I believe we scored about 88mm of rain. I swear the grass is already greener.

It stopped raining about 1pm and I took the opportunity to let the girls out for a free range and freshly surfaced worm and bug hunt. Did the Saturday coop, run and water container clean, cleaned up the yard a bit and then everyone had to go back in around 3:30pm when the next bout of rain started. At least they got to go out for a while. I actually did not have to round them up, once it started raining they all just wandered back into the run and I shut the door; looks like they have already figured out it is the driest spot in the garden now.

Really pleased with how the coop and run roof held up. During the break in rain, I turned over the deep litter and besides near the edges of the run, completely dry. LuLu and Dusty were even dust bathing during the rain

Lots of reports of closed roads and flooding … I hope all remain safe and dry

PS. Fancy, North Melbourne were playing Richmond on Friday night at Blundstone Arena. Boy, were the crowd rugged up! When players etc were interviewed, pretty much the first comment they made was "it's a bit chilly"
Wow we had sooooo much rain here in Logan. Now its bright, sunny and windy as heck. My chickens that are in quarantine managed to stay pretty dry and inside their coop is dry so that's a win. They are now running around eating worms and clover to their hearts content.

The rain delayed my painting and working on the new bigger coop >< but the weather today looks like it might dry to paint at least if I do some under cover.

Chicks are approaching 6 weeks and pretty happy. Quite tame now too they no longer flee when I reach into their little home
I think all the rain broke Weatherzone. It's trying to tell me we've had 155mm since 9am but it's only 9:45am.

Okay it finally reset at 10am. Up to about 200mm all up so far. The chook run is flooded and better suited to ducks but so far their house isn't under water which is a first! I'd dug a barrier of plastic garden edging all the way around it last summer so the water diverts rather than running through. So it's only the stuff blowing sideways at the moment getting in there.
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Good morning, half of my chickens, particularly the Dorkings were throwing a party in the rain. Every body got a little wet when the rain went side ways but most of the day it was ok. Everybody's feed got wet though, even though I had put it all inside.

I'm trying to find a care recipe that @Fancychooklady posted. Are you around Fancy? Did anyone save it? I looked through Fancys posts but can't see it and thought I had screen shot it but evidently not.

It is a recipe to help put weight back on after being sick.

Last night one of the Dorathy's (my SLW) was on the ground instead of roosting for bed. She has been depressed lately and is only just picking up from the antibiotics. When I picked her up she has absolutely no weight. I want to give her a boost.
Hello everyone l am from Sydney and love my chickens. l hope l can help people with their chicken problems and give tips for starters. I'm Bobchicken93.
Bobchicken93 ..... you will enjoy this thread ---- friendly people, great advice, a few off-subject articles which are also very interesting and all contributions appreciated.

All in all, a winner.

Hope you have not been too impacted with all that rain up there.

Cheers ...........
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