Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Good afternoon folks

Gees, it is afternoon already? I actually had to do some serious work this morning which meant no BYC time .. tut

Thank you all the joint pain tips; I will check them out.

satay I never imagined myself saying this about a snake but Millia is kinda cute!

Corrie I probably already said hello on the Introductions Forum and may be even pointed you in this direction … Anyways Hello again and Welcome!

Hey Fizzybelle I have not had anyone with bumble foot here but it sure does look like all the pictures I have seen of it.

Fancy good to see you and of course you were missed!

On that note @Ashburnham we have not seen you for a while, I do hope all is OK.

My knee is much better today and Mr Walking Stick is only required for long treks now .. he is currently sitting at the front door making friends with the umbrellas LOL

Hubby flew out this morning for his interview tomorrow … got everything crossed!
Thanks MiddleWoods and Teila. I'll let you know what the vet says. I could try some of the home remedies, but I'd rather let him deal with it (and her wriggly, scratchy, kicky feet) and have pain meds if need be. Fortunately it doesn't look too advanced, and she's still running around like a mad thing as per usual. Least it's a treatable condition this time, and I won't need to quarantine her either. Everyone else in the flock has nice healthy (but dirty) feet. Annabelle did me the favor of walking in poo right before I wanted to check her feet, how thoughtful!!

MiddleWoods, I hope your new girls settle in soon. I'm still planning on new additions too - I really want a Polish frizzle
What colour is you new Araucana? I'd get more Araucanas except my Mabel loves the sound of her own voice, and is convinced the neighbours also love the sound of her voice before 5am.

edit: Yep, vet confirmed it.
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Sorry ... forgot to give a hearty welcome to you CorrieW ....
.... you will enjoy your time here, for sure.


Teila and Tillicans ...

Also forgot to mention how good turmeric is for pain relief and many other 'things-wot-ail-us" .... I have been giving a pinch of it to Mandy 5 days out of 7 ... and I do believe it has helped her - whether for pain, or as just a pick me up, I don't know. She doesn't seem to be in pain, as when she sits ( she is walking, jogging again now too ) ... her tail always raises, and she continues to eat like a horse.

And now - she is going into a very early moult ???? Can't win. !! I think more cuddles will have to be had - she loves that - and walks regally away after a big cuddle, thinking she's Christmas - - unless as happened yesterday, she treads on her own very large feet, tripping herself up.

Fizzybelle - From day 1, when I first got my chickens, I used the word repeatedly -

Bed, bed, bed .... with food incentive. .... They have rarely ever disobeyed that command since. Occasionally I might have to round up Molly RIR - but she gives in pretty quickly, when "BED" is almost yelled at her. They now no longer need food incentive.

You might have some success with your older chickens, but it will be with the command AND little tid-bits that they might like - on the floor of their coop or in your hand, and will probably take a bit of time to teach them all that. The own inquisitiveness will make them go see what it is you are doing with treats there ( I hope ).

LuckysMum .... I enquired today about Jarrah Honey - at a large supermarket that has a huge range of honey - and they didn't know of it. Might be a health store honey only.
Our only health food store in Upwey, closed a while back, and we all miss it - a lot.

satay .... so glad to hear that your pets all get along so well. I learned from that - it's not always so that a snake will be killed by other pets.

Fancy .... good to see you back and that all is well. Always heaps to do on a farm.

Cheers all ......
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Sorry ... forgot to give a hearty welcome to you CorrieW ....
.... you will enjoy your time here, for sure.


Teila and Tillicans ...

Also forgot to mention how good turmeric is for pain relief and many other 'things-wot-ail-us" .... I have been giving a pinch of it to Mandy 5 days out of 7 ... and I do believe it has helped her - whether for pain, or as just a pick me up, I don't know. She doesn't seem to be in pain, as when she sits ( she is walking, jogging again now too ) ... her tail always raises, and she continues to eat like a horse.

And now - she is going into a very early moult ???? Can't win. !! I think more cuddles will have to be had - she loves that - and walks regally away after a big cuddle, thinking she's Christmas - - unless as happened yesterday, she treads on her own very large feet, tripping herself up.

Fizzybelle - From day 1, when I first got my chickens, I used the word repeatedly -

Bed, bed, bed .... with food incentive. .... They have rarely ever disobeyed that command since. Occasionally I might have to round up Molly RIR - but she gives in pretty quickly, when "BED" is almost yelled at her. They now no longer need food incentive.

You might have some success with your older chickens, but it will be with the command AND little tid-bits that they might like - on the floor of their coop or in your hand, and will probably take a bit of time to teach them all that. The own inquisitiveness will make them go see what it is you are doing with treats there ( I hope ).

LuckysMum .... I enquired today about Jarrah Honey - at a large supermarket that has a huge range of honey - and they didn't know of it. Might be a health store honey only.
Our only health food store in Upwey, closed a while back, and we all miss it - a lot.

satay .... so glad to hear that your pets all get along so well. I learned from that - it's not always so that a snake will be killed by other pets.

Fancy .... good to see you back and that all is well. Always heaps to do on a farm.

Cheers all ......

I get our honey from a honey shop it a 45 minute drive but the grandkids love going there because you get to try all the different honeys.
I've never seen it the major food shops so you could be right. At the moment I'm doing a tutoring job this week and I get to drive past it everyday.
I'm glad your just busy Fancy I hope it gets quieter for you so you can rest a bit too.
Sorry ... forgot to give a hearty welcome to you CorrieW ....
.... you will enjoy your time here, for sure.


Teila and Tillicans ...

Also forgot to mention how good turmeric is for pain relief and many other 'things-wot-ail-us" .... I have been giving a pinch of it to Mandy 5 days out of 7 ... and I do believe it has helped her - whether for pain, or as just a pick me up, I don't know. She doesn't seem to be in pain, as when she sits ( she is walking, jogging again now too ) ... her tail always raises, and she continues to eat like a horse.

And now - she is going into a very early moult ???? Can't win. !! I think more cuddles will have to be had - she loves that - and walks regally away after a big cuddle, thinking she's Christmas - - unless as happened yesterday, she treads on her own very large feet, tripping herself up.

Fizzybelle - From day 1, when I first got my chickens, I used the word repeatedly -

Bed, bed, bed .... with food incentive. .... They have rarely ever disobeyed that command since. Occasionally I might have to round up Molly RIR - but she gives in pretty quickly, when "BED" is almost yelled at her. They now no longer need food incentive.

You might have some success with your older chickens, but it will be with the command AND little tid-bits that they might like - on the floor of their coop or in your hand, and will probably take a bit of time to teach them all that. The own inquisitiveness will make them go see what it is you are doing with treats there ( I hope ).

LuckysMum .... I enquired today about Jarrah Honey - at a large supermarket that has a huge range of honey - and they didn't know of it. Might be a health store honey only.
Our only health food store in Upwey, closed a while back, and we all miss it - a lot.

satay .... so glad to hear that your pets all get along so well. I learned from that - it's not always so that a snake will be killed by other pets.

Fancy .... good to see you back and that all is well. Always heaps to do on a farm.

Cheers all ......

Actually they all went to bed tonight with minimal fuss. I think Hell froze over..
Fizzybelle, turmeric paste is better than just the powder. Look it up and make your own, that's what I do. I haven't given any to the chickens but it's great for my dogs itching and dry skin. For me it's more for joint pain. Works like a charm a teaspoon in yogurt or curry, in milk, as a condiment list goes on I also add it to my mince patties yummy.
Fizzybelle, turmeric paste is better than just the powder. Look it up and make your own, that's what I do. I haven't given any to the chickens but it's great for my dogs itching and dry skin. For me it's more for joint pain. Works like a charm a teaspoon in yogurt or curry, in milk, as a condiment list goes on I also add it to my mince patties yummy.

That is great advice Tillicans making your own paste ...

I often put a half teaspoon of the powder into my coffee - any more than that and it messes with the coffee taste.

We have a lot of curries ... so probably get a goodly amount of it. It's great stuff.

But it can also act as a blood thinner, and I have to be careful about that as I already give myself blood thinning injections daily, so will check with my Doctor who is Malaysian - she would know how much is too much for me.

Cheers ......
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That is great advice Tillicans  making your own paste ...

I often put a half teaspoon of the powder into my coffee - any more than that and it messes with the coffee taste.  

We have a lot of curries ... so probably get a goodly amount of it.  It's great stuff.

But it can also act as a blood thinner, and I have to be careful about that as I already give myself blood thinning injections daily, so will check with my Doctor who is Malaysian - she would know how much is too much for me.  

Cheers ......  

Good idea to check with the doctor.

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