Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Here are the pics of my blue laced red Wyandotte that I promised .




Last one looks a bit rude, now that I think about it.

Question about egg frequency. We seem to be getting an average of 2 eggs from 7 chooks lately. Does that sound a bit low??

We did get back up to 5 yesterday but then today just one?

Do you have any broodies? I have so many at the moment that my egg count is way down on what it was.
****Warning, the following post is me talking about me culling my Roosters so if that is something you don't want to read, skip over it (and I'm sorry I upset you)****

Today I finally culled my extra roosters (with lots of help from my Mum and a friend). That's 10 roosters down and I also culled 6 quail (extra boys too small or mean to sell). I'll be eating them for lunch (the quail) tomorrow. I feel that if I don't use every bit of them, they've died for nothing so what we're not eating is going to the dogs.

It was awful to do but it seriously needed to be done for the sake of my poor hens, and I've been trying to sell them for ages.

I've ordered some meat chicks from Barter and Son's ($3 a chicks and $35 to be sent here and I've ordered extra so anyone in the region who wants them can get them without the hassle of ordering them). I'm almost done building their pen (it's moveable and they'll free range during the day). If they seem happy enough during their short life, I'll do it again.

The reason for raising them myself is the I like that I know they'e been treated well during their life as compared to store bought cooked chooks where I'm just not sure they were raised humanely, even the free range birds. I also know they haven't been raised on feed laden heavily with anti-biotics.
Do you have any broodies? I have so many at the moment that my egg count is way down on what it was.

I had two but both have been cured :) a good week now. I was just thinking yesterday was our best egg haul in ages and coincidentally I had them locked in the run the last two days because their area in the garden was a bit dangerous with winds and gum tree branches.
Today they were allowed out again and one egg.
Might go do a search in the garden.
I candled my quail eggs yesterday (day 10) and only removed one empty!!!! My birds are doing their job and I have 21 developing in the incubator.
I never see them do IT, maybe they are just shy and wait for me to go away ????
Today I finally culled my extra roosters (with lots of help from my Mum and a friend). That's 10 roosters down and I also culled 6 quail (extra boys too small or mean to sell). I'll be eating them for lunch (the quail) tomorrow. I feel that if I don't use every bit of them, they've died for nothing so what we're not eating is going to the dogs.

The reason for raising them myself is the I like that I know they'e been treated well during their life as compared to store bought cooked chooks where I'm just not sure they were raised humanely, even the free range birds. I also know they haven't been raised on feed laden heavily with anti-biotics.
Meat from happy animals does taste better.
I agree, you know what you are eating when you raise them yourself.
I must admit hubby does the first bit, I am too scared of stuffing up. He does it fast and humanely, and then I do the rest.
We don't waste anything. Cats get the edible insides, neighbour's dog gets the feet, and I wash and save all the feathers for craft projects with my kid.
Meat from happy animals does taste better.
I agree, you know what you are eating when you raise them yourself.
I must admit hubby does the first bit, I am too scared of stuffing up. He does it fast and humanely, and then I do the rest.
We don't waste anything. Cats get the edible insides, neighbour's dog gets the feet, and I wash and save all the feathers for craft projects with my kid.

Can I borrow hubby occasionally? I don't live far away. :lau

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