Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Well it's Friday morning and the smell of sardines is in the air. :sick
Took some pics of the young ones yesterday. Only on my phone.



So this morning my ill chick keeps kicking his legs and flailing around until he is on his back. Then he just lays there. He is really keen for food but not water so i mixed a bit of wormer in the food.
The rest of the flocks are symptom free but they are getting wormed today just in case.
So this morning my ill chick keeps kicking his legs and flailing around until he is on his back. Then he just lays there. He is really keen for food but not water so i mixed a bit of wormer in the food.
The rest of the flocks are symptom free but they are getting wormed today just in case.

How old is the chick?
Pullet egg question so australorps 1st egg was the same size/shape as my bantams eggs. A little pointy. Tiday an egg the same colour but quite round but still not huge was in the coop. Im hoping it was her 2nd egg and not an egg from the new black hen (supposed araucana) i will cry.
They can take quite a while to get their eggs up to full size. I've gotten a couple of tiny fairy eggs the size of marbles. So gorgeous. <3
While I understand his wanting to have his dogs with him, he broke the law and a very important law!

Granted, his dogs are probably in better health than others and have their own 24 hour Vet on staff but if we let him keep his dogs here, we might as well let anyone and everyone bring in their dogs without quarantine.

In my opinion, his dogs now need to go into quarantine here before they are flown back to the United States. We need them here in quarantine to ensure they have not bought anything in and if they have, what it was; where they have been; take action etc. If he is allowed to just fly them back into the States without being checked out here, we will have no idea if they did or did not have something. Sending them back to the States is just compounding the issue even more. While there is the possibility that they did not bring anything in, by letting them fly back without quarantine, you are risking them taking something back.
I got into a minor argument with a friend over this. Her argument is that since they probably don't have rabies we should just let him keep them here. I made an argument about rabies and she tried to claim that Australian Bat Lyssavirus is the same virus which causes rabies in the US and that rabies is clearly already here. *sigh* So much ignorance.

@tandykins I bet you wouldnt have been allowed to keep it at your house till the flight home? Either the dogs are a quarentine risk or they aren't. Why let him keep exposing Australia for another 50 hrs?
Oh no, absolutely not. And even trying that would have probably risked my visa. Watch Depp's be unaffected. IAmSamSam is 100% right, he'd just have been destroyed. The US will accept them back. I looked into travel in the other direction a few years ago when my husband was considering a job with Google in Mountainview, CA and there is basically no quarantine for pets going INTO the US from Australia. It may have changed since then.
How old is the chick?

Nearly 5 weeks old. He has never been quite right. He is the runt and always been slower and quieter. He had terrible pasty butt for the first week and a half and still has no tail feathers.

I have made a sling from a dust mask so at least he is upright and able to eat. He is eating egg and biscuit mix which i mixed with water, coconut sugar, garlic and added some water from the wormer bottle from the others.
I say he...but it could be a she...
Sidhe I'm sorry your chick does not sound good :( I would get some ammprolium to rule out coccidia, it doesn't hurt to do as a preventative during these horribly wet months. They are incredible good at hiding their symptoms until it's too late

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