Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Have some photos showing rooster dignity: He sat in there while she pushed him for a while. I'm reasonably sure most children use puppies for the whole 'pretending I have a baby' thing! In other news, I have to look into a no-crow collar - we live in a rural area, but the neighbour is annoyed by the crowing and wants it to stop. Not sure if it'll work, but it might help. When we get the coop finished, it will be insulated, which will help a lot with sound proofing!
I guess it would depend on how much land you have. I have 6 acres and many roos. My neighbours aren't worried, most have chickens as well.
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Just thought I'd share this little snippet I found on a pigeon site. Can't see why wouldn't also help chickens.

Interestingly, at last years avian vets conference in Manly, our guest speaker was Dr. Lorenzo Crosti, the veterinary director of Loro Parque in Tenerife. Loro Parque is a world famous bird breeding facility. Dr. Crosti stated that he had good results treating birds that were otherwise healthy, with slow crops, with fennel tea. Fennel tea bags can be purchased from health food shops. Simply make a cup of fennel tea, as you would a cup of normal tea for yourself. This can then be added to the drinker. There is no strict dose rate. It smells like licorice but unless mixed too strongly the birds drink it readily.

And on a related note, weighed Carl this morning. 1.514kg will have to weigh colonel to work out what she should be but know nothing that low. The standard is 3-4kg.

She is still waking each morning with a full, hardish play dough feeling crop and is really much like she was before the operation so I've decided to put her in a seperate cage again so I can monitor if she is pooping properly and I'm going to give her only soft foods plus vit and probiotics for the next 24 hrs and see if there is any crop difference. I'm rather concerned that she is just slowly starving to death.
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Have some photos showing rooster dignity: He sat in there while she pushed him for a while. I'm reasonably sure most children use puppies for the whole 'pretending I have a baby' thing! In other news, I have to look into a no-crow collar - we live in a rural area, but the neighbour is annoyed by the crowing and wants it to stop. Not sure if it'll work, but it might help. When we get the coop finished, it will be insulated, which will help a lot with sound proofing!
He looks like he is enjoying his swing :)
Does your neighbour have a dog if the dog barks tell em you want it to stop
rural area should not be a problem having a roo. I have two Roos as well one is only 5 weeks old and thinks I'm his Ma then there's Lloyd who acts real tough but walks around all dolled up by the kids lol

Well, it's a little complex. Neighbour-dude is the one who isn't really dealing with rural life very well - he's partnered with a lady who is renting the house very cheaply from her mum, and I really get the feeling from him that he'd prefer to not have to have any animals at all around him but there's nothing he can do about it and he's struggling to maintain calm a bit. We had to go erradicate the wasp nests on his block for him because he claimed allergies (in other words, he said his arm swelled up when he was stung - we told him everyone's did, an allergy is a serious reaction, buuuuuut).

He's a little irked that his partner now wants chickens, goats, etc, but he's 'agreed' because she said she would stop getting up early every Saturday and going with him to the football, which she hates. My reaction was kinda: WTH, can't he go to football by himself?!

He has a dog. A silent dog. A totally silent dog! It's eerie!

He has, however, loud teenagers...stepsons, and I don't know if they get on so great from the yelling and...

Well, we'll do what we can to maintain peace while rolling our eyes a bit, to be honest. I suspect if I said 'The kids make noise!' it would create a fair amount of disharmony.

I do agree though. He moved into a country area!
Lovely pictures. Our rooster was a bit loud for the town we are in, so I did a heap of research on rooster collars, but didn't want to wait for the time it would take to arrive so I'm using Velcro cable tidies from cheap as chips and they seriously reduce the volume and the rooster showing no ill effects from it. Although the dance he does when we need to adjust it is hilarious.
Well, it's a little complex.  Neighbour-dude is the one who isn't really dealing with rural life very well - he's partnered with a lady who is renting the house very cheaply from her mum, and I really get the feeling from him that he'd prefer to not have to have any animals at all around him but there's nothing he can do about it and he's struggling to maintain calm a bit.  We had to go erradicate the wasp nests on his block for him because he claimed allergies (in other words, he said his arm swelled up when he was stung - we told him everyone's did, an allergy is a serious reaction, buuuuuut).

He's a little irked that his partner now wants chickens, goats, etc, but he's 'agreed' because she said she would stop getting up early every Saturday and going with him to the football, which she hates.  My reaction was kinda: WTH, can't he go to football by himself?!

He has a dog.  A silent dog.  A totally silent dog!  It's eerie!

He has, however, loud teenagers...stepsons, and I don't know if they get on so great from the yelling and...

Well, we'll do what we can to maintain peace while rolling our eyes a bit, to be honest.  I suspect if I said 'The kids make noise!' it would create a fair amount of disharmony.

I do agree though.  He moved into a country area!

Rooster collar does work, worked on Lloyd but I had to take it off he really only crows when he's threatened or early in the morning I decided to just box him in and works like a treat I don't even hear him at all. I probably will need one for gaston as he's a bigger breed.
Our rooster is one of many in the near area so he gets drowned out. It is actually kind of funny because one crow sets off all the others in the neighborhood.

My babies are 5 weeks old today, Willy's are 2 weeks tomorrow, Ampro (my sick chick) is having some outside time in the sun after a bath (he was stinky and messy) and getting along alright. He is still quarantined from the rest of the flock and will be until next weekend at least.

We have had absolutely gorgeous sunny days with a light breeze though we still light the fire at night...
Howdy folks

Chooks01 I like pink but yeah, I agree with Sam hide the pink paint

Brrrr Fancy, while I am enjoying the cooler weather and all the good things that come with it including not having to add algae-fix to the pond water. I would not want to trade having to add algae fix to having to chip off ice

Steampunked those pictures of your rooster in the swing are absolutely adorable! He actually does not look too unhappy about it.

Tee hee, your neighbour is a wuss! Did you read my story Me v Paper Wasps? If I can do it, I am sure a grown man can tackle a few wasps.

Lols at the silent, eerie dog .. probably keeping a low profile so he does not have to go to the football also. Or, he has sensed the “would prefer to not have to raise any animals at all around him”. Dogs are a good judge of character and he probably does not like your neighbour and is quietly plotting his escape.

Like you, I tend to sway towards the non-confrontational, keep the peace side but sometimes I would so love to shout “shut the **** up” at over the road’s son who insists on standing in their front garden yelling “Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad” continually and without even giving his Dad time to get out of the chair before repeating rather than get up, go inside and speak to his Dad. I have stopped myself on many occasions from wandering over and telling him “how about you go inside and get your Dad or call him once and at least give him time to respond”.

Then we have the people next door to them who have 5 dogs (in a two dog zone) who bark constantly and 1 cat who insists on stalking my chickens or fighting another neighbourhood cat outside our bedroom window at 2am!. They rent and I know when the property manager is coming because the dogs and cat that are not supposed to be there vacate for the day.

I could dob them in to Council or their Property Manager but nope, I keep my mouth shut and put up with it.

Or, the other neighbour whose friends insist on pulling up in the driveway and shouting for them to come out or hand on the car horn, rather than get out of the car and knock on the front door.

The point of all this .. betya if I had a rooster, Council would be on my doorstep in a heartbeat!

On the collar; I have a friend in the States who used one on her rooster. It took her quite a bit of tweaking to get it right and it still required him being locked in his man cave at night because he could still be heard.

Word of warning, she nearly killed him during the tweaking process when it was too tight and I have also read of other close calls.

Lols at the bow-tie .. don’t do it!
If you do .. we want pictures

Sidhe13 pleased to hear that Ampro is getting along and enjoying some outside time; sounds like good progress.

K Spot congrats on the excellent show results and also Whoopi.

appps Fennel Tea? Interesting reading and something I will research some more when I have some time.

Poor Carl, I hope she takes a turn for the better very soon. Has she had, or is she due for a Vet check following her surgery; are they happy with how she is going?
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