Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

thanks guys. It was stick8ng straight up and had an infection in the joint. I made the hard decision to cull as that chick also wasnt really eating and is half the size of the rest. All i could feel was bones when i picked her up. She was sweet though. Im having an awful run lately. Fingers crossed my luck turns around soon

I did post a reply Deej ... and then found your latest post, so deleted mine. ....

That is sad - and I am so sorry to hear what you had to do. But it was for the best, as she most likely wouldn't have survived with the flock, or on her own. Natural attrition is hard for us to understand, but the animal / bird world, accept it all. And you have helped her toward that end - so be it - and good for you to have made that decision.

It was for the best - but ..... Never easy.

I do hope your luck turns for the better asap.

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Hiya guys! Crazy here as usual, was just on FB and a lady in my online mothers group asked about keeping chickens, (I ofcourse steered her here and I hope we will see her join up soon!) but talking about them gave me the urge to go peek in on them all tucked up in bed

Crap lighting as it's a phone pic but cute all the same.
And also, today I ended up getting 4 new chooks! 3 isas and one white of as yet unknown breed (would have been bought with the isa browns from rural supplies I'd say so what ever that breed is)
I picked them up late so haven't done an inspection yet but I noticed a couple fleas on ones comb, what would be the best thing to use to deflea them?

3 of the 4, the other was asleep in the nest box and I couldn't get her in the picture.
They have apparently been laying daily so who knows I might actually get some eggs soon!! Though does it count if I buy new chooks to break the drought??
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Hiya guys! Crazy here as usual, was just on FB and a lady in my online mothers group asked about keeping chickens, (I ofcourse steered her here and I hope we will see her join up soon!) but talking about them gave me the urge to go peek in on them all tucked up in bed

Crap lighting as it's a phone pic but cute all the same.
And also, today I ended up getting 4 new chooks! 3 isas and one white of as yet unknown breed (would have been bought with the isa browns from rural supplies I'd say so what ever that breed is)
I picked them up late so haven't done an inspection yet but I noticed a couple fleas on ones comb, what would be the best thing to use to deflea them?

3 of the 4, the other was asleep in the nest box and I couldn't get her in the picture.
They have apparently been laying daily so who knows I might actually get some eggs soon!! Though does it count if I buy new chooks to break the drought??

My marans got lice earlier in the year and I used no name surface spray from woollies.( recommended by fancy) It worked a treat. Just give them an all over spray a couple of times a week for a few weeks and they were all gone.
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My hubby suggested that too
but I thought it might be a bit harsh for my chooks so instead I used pet powder from woollies and dusted them it worked well and it stayed under the chooks feathers for a while. I bought a couple from a fodder in mount barker and men were they feral! Loaded with mites and lice legs were scaly had fine treating them then gave them away to a friend who wanted chooks
as they were sooo flighty and skittish
Thank you for your lovely birthday wishes. I had a good day.

Sorry about your little chick @Deej211

Young Casanova really does have a flock favourite, the Marans. You must breed them pretty @satay
All this weekend while I was observing them while out in the yard he would single her out and have his way.
I cracked the 3 eggs I got yesterday to see if they were fertile. To my untrained eye the didn't look to be. Not surprising though, I haven't seen him mount the girls that are laying at the moment, them being Sunny the Welsummer, Bubble and Squeak the Dorkings and my mystery layer.
Hello folks!

The drought has broken, Ivan the Terrible (Rooster), who turned out to be a silkie hen who just was the male partridge colour (? I have no idea, but she is that bright, rich orange with HACKLES) laid an egg.

So did the other silkie hen!

My big egg machines refuse to, so I'm hoping that the two silkies shame them into doing it.
Thank you for your lovely birthday wishes. I had a good day.  :D

Sorry about your little chick @Deej211

Young Casanova really does have a flock favourite, the Marans.  You must breed them pretty @satay
 :gig  All this weekend while I was observing them while out in the yard he would single her out and have his way.  

I cracked the 3 eggs I got yesterday to see if they were fertile.  To my untrained eye the didn't look to be.  Not surprising though, I haven't seen him mount the girls that are laying at the moment, them being Sunny the Welsummer, Bubble and Squeak the Dorkings and my mystery layer. 

Lol at the rooster laying an egg, only a silky could do that to you! I hope Ivan the terrible keeps her name, it's awesome.

I'm not sure how I'd feel about spraying them with bug spray :/ but as a last resort maybe, I dusted them with the last of my DE this morning, I didn't even think of flea powder lol. Will get some tomorrow,

Sectioned off a bit so they could get out of the coop today and got some better photos



Opinions on the white ones breed?

Then while I was doing that naughty Hermione decided to break quarantine! She flew over 2 fences and around a corner to see what I was doing.

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