Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hahaha love it!!

Oh yeah, ive been meaning to ask, had a lot of pasty butt issues when i got my first lot of chicks, will my broody clean their bums for them or will i need to check on them for pasty bum regularly again?


It's pretty uncommon that a broody raised chick would have pasty butt, it's usually from overheating
Hahaha love it!!

Oh yeah, ive been meaning to ask, had a lot of pasty butt issues when i got my first lot of chicks, will my broody clean their bums for them or will i need to check on them for pasty bum regularly again?


As Christie said , it's unusual for naturally reared chicks to suffer with pasty butt. Overheating and or dehydration is usually the cause. So be sure to provide plenty of clean fresh water. Not too deep of course and if your chicks are in the main coop , a couple of house bricks in the water dish might just be somebodies ' saving grace ' . Not nice to find drowned chick in bottom of water trough. :(
As Christie said , it's unusual for naturally reared chicks to suffer with pasty butt. Overheating and or dehydration is usually the cause. So be sure to provide plenty of clean fresh water. Not too deep of course and if your chicks are in the main coop , a couple of house bricks in the water dish might just be somebodies ' saving grace ' . Not nice to find drowned chick in bottom of water trough. :(

Thanks for the tip! Yes they will be out in the main coop after a couple days, but our waterer isnt one they can drown in. Does make me think though ill have to put it on the ground until theyre big enough to reach lol. Went and got chick starter today as theyre closed tomorrow so good thing I remembered!
Quote: I'm looking for Plymouth Rocks, Speckled Sussex and possible Dorkings. My current leads have Rocks and buff/light Sussex which is ok with me.
Poor Padma wants those babies!!

Ash I am sorry to read about your ducks and Black Saturday but pleased you now have some beautiful little ones to start again.

Love the bubby pics ChristieB .. adorable! Aaaaw, poor Padma, she looks like she definitely wants in!

Welcome to the thread lifeonthehill, nice to meet you.

Had a great day today in the garden with the gals … mowing, tidying, harvesting snow peas etc. Had a chance to snap a pic also:


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