Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Glad to be back .... missed the Chook chats! Still no eggs ....Madge and Tillie are looking awful!!! Although they are getting new feathers finally....had a big clean and tidy in the chicken run and coop today.... set up a guesthouse for my new chickens... but will wait until the gals settle down with their mighty moult!!!
Satay - hope you are feeling much better, and not overdoing the cleaning up bizzo. Was that from the floods or from the cyclone ? ... and thanks for your comments re Benny ( Sherlock ) ... he is a most lovable little cat - mad as a March Hare at times, but full of purrs and is a great lap sitter too. He meets and greets Miss Ruby every day, but no play allowed yet.

Teila - like you, not overly impressed with the new look here - can't leave a few words on the 'likes' any more. hmm. And we have lost our 'badges' - mine was the 4 year badge. And there are quite a few Golden Feathers here, but they are not showing either.

I can't find what I am looking for - a comment from Sparky ( thank you ) ... and someone elses' new chickies, a bit befuddled here at the moment. .... :rolleyes:

Anyway, thank you - and it is good to be back here.

Cheers ---
Hi anni thanks getting there slowly. The clean up is still from the supercell. 60 odd gum trees and the mess they caused sure takes time to clean up.
Glad to be back .... missed the Chook chats! Still no eggs ....Madge and Tillie are looking awful!!! Although they are getting new feathers finally....had a big clean and tidy in the chicken run and coop today.... set up a guesthouse for my new chickens... but will wait until the gals settle down with their mighty moult!!!
Same here at the moment. More feathers floating around then eggs for sure. Saw a hawk this morning. Thankfully the crows shooed it off. After loosing both my blue marans to a fox earlier i certainly don't wish to loose anymore.
Much to my surprise this morning the millies have started laying again. Now if the others would get their acts together lol

Yes my RIRxGLW are moulting too. We're getting an egg or two every couple of days from 5 hens and the pullets haven't started to lay yet. I'm not sure about the chooks loosing feathers at this time of year. A couple of them are fairly bald at the moment and we're expecting -2°C tomorrow morning!

In other news, I think my "Araucana" chicks are actually Cream Legbars. They're over 6 weeks old now and yesterday I thought I'd try putting them in yard with the big girls. There were no dramas so I left them for a few hours and after dark when everyone had gone to roost, I put the babies in the coop. Everyone was happy this morning and tonight they all went into the coop together with no argy-bargy. You've gotta love a smooth integration!
Yes my RIRxGLW are moulting too. We're getting an egg or two every couple of days from 5 hens and the pullets haven't started to lay yet. I'm not sure about the chooks loosing feathers at this time of year. A couple of them are fairly bald at the moment and we're expecting -2°C tomorrow morning!

In other news, I think my "Araucana" chicks are actually Cream Legbars. They're over 6 weeks old now and yesterday I thought I'd try putting them in yard with the big girls. There were no dramas so I left them for a few hours and after dark when everyone had gone to roost, I put the babies in the coop. Everyone was happy this morning and tonight they all went into the coop together with no argy-bargy. You've gotta love a smooth integration!
Gratz on the smooth integration. Legbars are supposed to be great layers. Do you have any pictures? -2c already. Winter is certainly starting with a bang this year. We were 3c this morning. Not sure i am ready for winter yet :eek:

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