Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

They are all doing well. I have put the silkies on the patio during the day, and the ducklings in the laundry. My hubby's on night shift and they can be so noisy during the day.
My grand daughters want me to take them to school on Wednesday. The told them today and they asked me to bring them in. Haha should be interesting. Not sure how well they will do without a heat source. I think I might put a heat pack in the bottom of the box.
How are your babies doing? Any luck with adopting another duckling or have you decided not to now?
They are all doing well. I have put the silkies on the patio during the day, and the ducklings in the laundry. My hubby's on night shift and they can be so noisy during the day.
My grand daughters want me to take them to school on Wednesday. The told them today and they asked me to bring them in. Haha should be interesting. Not sure how well they will do without a heat source. I think I might put a heat pack in the bottom of the box.
How are your babies doing? Any luck with adopting another duckling or have you decided not to now?

That's great they are doing well. I'm not surprised the kids want you to take them to school, my daughter wants me to as well and she is 13 :lau I think I would put in a hot water bottle or something. Or wheat pack, which could be red heated in the staff room before going back in the car.

Oh mine can be so noisy too lol luckily they sleep through the night and are quiet. My daughter goes into to them in the mornings as soon as she wakes up which is way too early lol and they start peeping their little heads off.

I think i decided not to because of the disease risk. I would just be to devastated if they caught something and died. My little guy had his brace off today and can walk fine. His tummy has healed he has noticibly grown, is eating heaps and pooping heaps and I would say is even more vigorous than his bigger elder brother. I don't think he is at any more risk of some happening to him than any other duckling now so I am a bit less worried. I can't wait to introduce them to my other ducks when they are older :)
At least you have older ducks they can go with. Mine are running around like mad. Playing, chasing each other through the water and generally being idiots. I'm constantly cleaning up there water container and trying to keep everything dry. :barnieWhen I'm cleaning the brooder they keep pecking my wedding ring and my fingers. They have so much personality. When they get too noisy my husband says they are calling for you mum. :lau
At least you have older ducks they can go with. Mine are running around like mad. Playing, chasing each other through the water and generally being idiots. I'm constantly cleaning up there water container and trying to keep everything dry. :barnieWhen I'm cleaning the brooder they keep pecking my wedding ring and my fingers. They have so much personality. When they get too noisy my husband says they are calling for you mum. :lau

Mine peck my wedding rings too! Lol
And their brooder is just down right disgusting :barnie:lau I feel like what's the point cleaning it five seconds later it's filthy :thI'm doing it for times a day imagine when they are bigger lol!! As I predicted I can't wait till they can go outside lol.

My hubby has been such a good sport.. Still thinks I've lost it though :lau
I'm using the non slip draw liners. I put paper towel down and the liner on top and change the liner during the day. I rinse it out if hottish water and it dries in no time. I only change the paper towel a couple of times and I have a thin sponge under the liner under the water container. The water container also sits in a takeaway lid. They get water everywhere. What are you using? I'm thinking of changing to hemp bedding soon.
I have tried to post this 3 times now. Its getting frustrating.
I'm using the non slip draw liners. I put paper towel down and the liner on top and change the liner during the day. I rinse it out if hottish water and it dries in no time. I only change the paper towel a couple of times and I have a thin sponge under the liner under the water container. The water container also sits in a takeaway lid. They get water everywhere. What are you using? I'm thinking of changing to hemp bedding soon.
I have tried to post this 3 times now. Its getting frustrating.

I'm using a garbage bag covered by a towel and then a layer of puppy toilet training pads. I change them twice per day. It does stop water getting anywhere.
That's good. I thought mine were dirty. I change the main non slip mat morning and night. yes under the food and water a few times. Messy sods they are. I've just put their water bowl inside another bowl slightly bigger, I'm hoping that works better to keep everything dry. At the moment they are in the laundry. I was wondering when to put them outside in the enclosed patio. I was thinking of putting hemp down in the bottom of the brooder a well. But I'm not sure how long to wait. They are getting big already.
I've moved the silkies out to patio tonight, but they have a good enclosed brooder with heat. I've just put hemp on their floor today. I don't know much about ducks.
That's good. I thought mine were dirty. I change the main non slip mat morning and night. yes under the food and water a few times. Messy sods they are. I've just put their water bowl inside another bowl slightly bigger, I'm hoping that works better to keep everything dry. At the moment they are in the laundry. I was wondering when to put them outside in the enclosed patio. I was thinking of putting hemp down in the bottom of the brooder a well. But I'm not sure how long to wait. They are getting big already.
I've moved the silkies out to patio tonight, but they have a good enclosed brooder with heat. I've just put hemp on their floor today. I don't know much about ducks.

With a heat source surely it's fine to put them on the patio if it's enclosed?

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