Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hope all is well with everyone. lost all my belgians recently not sure what got them but was the middle of the day when i was out.. My marans are laying ok at the moment so hoping to get some hatching soon. We are in desperate need of rain out here which is normal for this time of year. Our bore died a few weeks ago which was not good for the 4 weeks it took to get water back again but thankfully that is up and running again.
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Omlet Eglu Go UP + 1m extension + perch. Shade is just a bunnings 2 x 2m thing I zip tied on. Link is below my pic on the right.
They're a bit pricey, but I had 2 wooden Flatpack ones before this, lasting 2yrs each. They just rot and go yucky I find. This is plastic and wire, dog can't bust it and it can't rot! A win I think 😊
What a great looking set up. It looks like it has everything you need! 🤗

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