Australorps breed Thread

Elphaba squatted this morning.
She's about 21 weeks old. Any guesses on when I'll get her first egg??
My Hupp Australorps are 17 weeks old. I had to clean the pen for the pullets so I took some pictures.

They would not hold still so there is a bit of blurriness.

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"MOJO" is now 24 weeks old and is below with two 20 week old pullets and two 24 week old pullets.

G'day Kurt,
These fowls are getting closer to a type that I like better than most I've seen on the net from the USA.
Chet's are quite good too.
I saw an exceptional one on another site that had good type. I'll try to find a picture for your guys.


Here's that Large Black Cockerel that I mentioned that I have joined to two lovely pullets. He won at his first and only show (over several other Blacks) last weekend, and although he is still not quite out in the tail, he is balanced in my eyes and holds that good Australorp type and traits for breeding. I like the big round black eyes on this guy and his head set. His beak could show a little more Black, but with those two pullets I am sure the chicks will be of good show quality.

The second picture, which isn't very flattering shows him with the two females I selected for him. They both have their heads down pigging out on the corn I just threw in for them, so the picture doesn't portray a very good outline. One of these is the show pullet I posted a picture of a few weeks ago - an exceptional female.



Ron, I really like the blue. Time will tell if her lacing gets darker. She is the twin to my blue pullet. I will try today to get some pics of my blue and splashes that are the same age.
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I keep going back to your SOP for Australorps and the USA SOP. The biggest difference I see in your birds and ours is the length of the back especially in the cocks and cockerels. The USA SOP calls for a moderately long back in our BA's and your birds seem to have a shorter back more like the Orpington SOP. Also, your tails seem more compact on your wining birds,sorry chooks! So am I seeing things, or do you see the same differences. I read your SOP and it states "Back broad across shoulders and the saddle, with a sweeping curve from neck to tail". Hence, my confusion. There is no length mentioned in yours, just ours. I guess all countries rewrite standards and that is the real problem. By the way keep your pics coming so we know what a real BA is supposed to look like.
hes a beauty! i wish we could post the US standard pic of australorp for ross to is really a very handsome bird..just not quite as deep and little bit longer.

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