Australorps breed Thread

Hey, maybe all you Australorpians can help me out. I'm in the process of designing my coop, and I want to make sure I don't put the roosts or nesting boxes too high because of the heavy-bodied breeds I'll have such as the Buff Orpington and Australorp. I read that Bumblefoot is a common problem & to not have them up high on these things to prevent it. So my question is: how high should my highest perch be?
Hey, maybe all you Australorpians can help me out. I'm in the process of designing my coop, and I want to make sure I don't put the roosts or nesting boxes too high because of the heavy-bodied breeds I'll have such as the Buff Orpington and Australorp. I read that Bumblefoot is a common problem & to not have them up high on these things to prevent it. So my question is: how high should my highest perch be?
Great question!!! Ron? Dawg???
Great question!!! Ron? Dawg???
For the Opringtons, 18 inches. 2x4s with the 4 inch part up for the chickens to roost on. Make sure the next boxes are lower than the roosts or the hens will try to sleep in the nest boxes.

If roosts need to be higher(for leghorns for example) make a ladder for them.

Finally! Other people who like that movie! LOL.
I am enjoying reading through this thread. Doubt I'll ever make it through all the pages, but I am hoping to add some Australorps to my flock sometime soon here. Good stuff!
For the Opringtons, 18 inches. 2x4s with the 4 inch part up for the chickens to roost on. Make sure the next boxes are lower than the roosts or the hens will try to sleep in the nest boxes.

If roosts need to be higher(for leghorns for example) make a ladder for them.

What great advice. I've been using 2x2's and noticed one of my girls hobbling around. No sores on her feet, and I can't see anything wrong with them, other than she's limping around. I didn't even think about using 2x4's. I'm switching them out first thing in the morning. Thanks so much for the info.
What great advice. I've been using 2x2's and noticed one of my girls hobbling around. No sores on her feet, and I can't see anything wrong with them, other than she's limping around. I didn't even think about using 2x4's. I'm switching them out first thing in the morning. Thanks so much for the info.

The bigger the chicken the larger the board has to be. For Show chickens, using 2 inches will cause them to rest on their breast and bend the keel--points of at the show.

It will help with their feet to go to 4 inches.
I got my little Lorpy to go up and down the coop ladder today - I got video but can't seem to post it. Her legs barely reach but she went up and down twice. Such a smarty!
I have a 3" board roost that my juvenile Brahma prefers to use - is it worth replacing to get all 4 inches?

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