Auto door crushes hen

Having not seen any photos of setup of the coop, I would advise that if you are going to use an automated door, the opening to the coop should not have as any ledge that could be confused as a roost. With my original coop, my pullets would roost in the doorway to the coop at the top of the ramp and not go in. This was being off the ground to them.

When I built our new coop I wanted to deploy an automated door. That was one of the reasons I built a front porch for them. I use the Ador and I love it. No one has ever been locked out. The last call feature assures me of that. I also oriented the coop door towards the setting sun in order to give them the most time out on the sensor. It is truly dark when the last call operates and let's any straggler in.

Here is my porch.

Good thought but There is plenty of light from night light outside.
I'm thinking now the one just liked that spot to roost. Just got the hens 7 days ago. The lady told me, "one thing different about this year's batch, they want to roost on the floor" in the last 6 nights never saw that. They were on the roost or poop board. Until this one tonight. I did set the timer tonight BEFORE this happened to close 30 Mins later. ..
Two things.

Having light outside "but There is plenty of light from night light outside." that is a bad thing. Chickens have bad eye sight in the dark, so they will tend to stay where that can see better. If it is darker inside the coop then they will stay closer to the "plenty of light from night light outside.". If they are making this a habit, you need to put a timed light inside the coop that turns on an hour before the door is set to close and off an hour after.

Next you might want to add a safety feature to the door. I have posted about this in a few posts. Here is just one of them. Another here. It can be added to most doors even the commercially purchased ones.

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