Auto feeding baby ducks


In the Brooder
May 23, 2021
Hi I have some baby Pekin Ducks and they are so cute! Anyway I’m about to go out of town and was wondering if there is a way to auto feed and water the ducklings while I’m away. Please let me know! Thanks!
I have a large waterer and feeder.
My ducklings are now 12 weeks old and I can if necessary leave for 3 days and they won’t run out of food or water. But they also have a kiddie pool to play in. Younger ducklings will go through water faster because they play in it.
Set up a babysitter to stop by twice a day to make sure they have food and water.
I've never had ducks, but do know all about Murphy's Law. Things can get tipped over or pooped on. Having somebody check on them every so often is probably best.

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