Ayam Cemani cross breeding

I have AC roos and hens. Also a flock of mostly ameracauna and some cream legbars tossed in. Never thought to hatch out the blue eggs to see what I got. I do hatch the AC eggs though. There is one thing that may effect your cross results. AC can have 1 or 2 genes for the black coloring. If your chicks come out all black, you have a valuable roo with 2 genes for the black color. If you get a mixed bag of colors, black, white, grey, brown etc, your roo only has one gene for the black color and should not be used to breed other AC birds.
And your roo is gorgeous!

Thank you!! He doesn't like to be handled, but he's a good boy. As a matter if fact it's hard to feed him treats, because he literally spends the entire time I'm dishing it out telling all the hens where it is lol. I got him at ten months from a woman who let them free range 24/7, and never handled him. He was a complete ass to the girls lol. He got a lot better with them though, and I've got him where my dog and I can be in the coop without him losing it (running around trying to escape)...and I can get within a few feet without him going nuts to escape like he did before. Hopefully with time he'll mellow out. For specific breeding purposes he'll need to be moved to my other coop area...and collecting him scares the everliving hell out of him lol.
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I have AC roos and hens. Also a flock of mostly ameracauna and some cream legbars tossed in. Never thought to hatch out the blue eggs to see what I got. I do hatch the AC eggs though. There is one thing that may effect your cross results. AC can have 1 or 2 genes for the black coloring. If your chicks come out all black, you have a valuable roo with 2 genes for the black color. If you get a mixed bag of colors, black, white, grey, brown etc, your roo only has one gene for the black color and should not be used to breed other AC birds.

Seems like a good test!
I have AC roos and hens. Also a flock of mostly ameracauna and some cream legbars tossed in. Never thought to hatch out the blue eggs to see what I got. I do hatch the AC eggs though. There is one thing that may effect your cross results. AC can have 1 or 2 genes for the black coloring. If your chicks come out all black, you have a valuable roo with 2 genes for the black color. If you get a mixed bag of colors, black, white, grey, brown etc, your roo only has one gene for the black color and should not be used to breed other AC birds.
Interesting...I was under the impression that father of my chicks might be an AC...but was told by another AC owner who breeds crosses that that was impossible...all of her F1s are black. As in...all black. But if father or mine only has 1 gene for the black, I suppose that could explain their coloration. They were sold as EEs so I know they hatched out of a blue egg. TY for this bit of info!
Interesting...I was under the impression that father of my chicks might be an AC...but was told by another AC owner who breeds crosses that that was impossible...all of her F1s are black. As in...all black. But if father or mine only has 1 gene for the black, I suppose that could explain their coloration. They were sold as EEs so I know they hatched out of a blue egg. TY for this bit of info!

That definitely makes sense.

There's a surprising amount of interest in Fibro Easter Eggers. It's going to be interesting to see what Johnny does with my upcoming flock. Barred rocks should be laying in about 8wks. Maybe even the 11lb Cornish Cross hens lol. They're the same age as the barred rocks and he REALLY seems to like them. My already hatched Ameraucana hens are only 9 days old. I also have 11 Ayam Cemani hatching in 3 days.

The real trick once these birds are grown will be keeping track of who's doing what. Barnyard mixes are fun...but I want to learn what's doing what to the colors!
That definitely makes sense.

There's a surprising amount of interest in Fibro Easter Eggers. It's going to be interesting to see what Johnny does with my upcoming flock. Barred rocks should be laying in about 8wks. Maybe even the 11lb Cornish Cross hens lol. They're the same age as the barred rocks and he REALLY seems to like them. My already hatched Ameraucana hens are only 9 days old. I also have 11 Ayam Cemani hatching in 3 days.

The real trick once these birds are grown will be keeping track of who's doing what. Barnyard mixes are fun...but I want to learn what's doing what to the colors!
I've never thought cornish x were very attractive...would love an all black version with black skin! You might be on to something! So excited to see what you produce. Was looking forward to the idea of hatching out some chicks next year from our b&w EE/AC roo but his gender identity crisis is still in full swing and this week, he's identifying more as a pullet. So I might not have that opportunity. Guess time will tell!
I've never thought cornish x were very attractive...would love an all black version with black skin! You might be on to something! So excited to see what you produce. Was looking forward to the idea of hatching out some chicks next year from our b&w EE/AC roo but his gender identity crisis is still in full swing and this week, he's identifying more as a pullet. So I might not have that opportunity. Guess time will tell!

I'm going to have AC chicks here in about two more days lol.

I'm sure a few will be roo's...meet you halfway? 😁😁😁😂
I've never thought cornish x were very attractive...would love an all black version with black skin! You might be on to something! So excited to see what you produce.

On the Cornish X...if they live long enough, it's going to happen lol. They're 11ish weeks old, and he's on them constantly lol. Completely ignores the 11wk old barred rocks...other than to chase them around and try to tell them where tasty snacks are lol. The white girls are big enough I think he thinks they're grown lol.

Interesting...I was under the impression that father of my chicks might be an AC...but was told by another AC owner who breeds crosses that that was impossible...all of her F1s are black. As in...all black. But if father or mine only has 1 gene for the black, I suppose that could explain their coloration. They were sold as EEs so I know they hatched out of a blue egg. TY for this bit of info!
Then her rooster has the double gene for the black. If you are breeding AC, you want a double gene rooster as well as a double gene hen. You test the hen the same way. Breed to a non AC rooster. If the chicks are all black you have a double gene bird. If assorted colors, only one gene.

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