AZ Silkies!


Aug 21, 2015
Vail, AZ
Halloo all AZ Silkie owners!

Welcome to the thread where you can compare your Desert Dust Mops, Assist each-other in breeding, incubation, brooding, sexing, and color comparison, or just talk silkie!!

At this point I feel it is appropriate to introduce my Silkie pair.

I have a Buff/Osprey Bantam silkie Rooster, named Dax -

And a White-Splash bantam silkie hen, named Yukon -

I also have 4 barred rocks, 2 Wyandottes, a Jubilee Orphington, , an easter egger pair, and 2 serama roos.

But that's another story

SO post away fellow Silkie'ers!
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Halloo all AZ Silkie owners!

Welcome to the thread where you can compare your Desert Dust Mops, Assist each-other in breeding, incubation, brooding, sexing, and color comparison, or just talk silkie!!

At this point I feel it is appropriate to introduce my Silkie pair.

I have a Buff/Osprey Bantam silkie Rooster, named Dax -

And a White-Splash bantam silkie hen, named Yukon -

I also have 4 barred rocks, 2 Wyandottes, a Jubilee Orphington, , an easter egger pair, and 2 serama roos.

But that's another story

SO post away fellow Silkie'ers!
excellent im in az. and very interested in silkies, I have been wanting then for quite a wile , and want to know more about them.
HI MICHELLE...! HOW ARE YOU & the eggs doing...??? I hope all is going well..? :thumbsup:highfive::frow take care :frow here is a pic of some of my other girls out with blue my roo out free ranging yesterday. but I cant wait for some silkies...!!:woot:yesss::ya:wee:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy
101_0999  MY GIRLS  out playing  8 9 18.jpg
Hello my chickens fellows... okay question I have 2 week old black silkies . . Shes in a brooder with other 3 chicks , shes the smallest so she always get stomp on and stuff. So right now shes so dirty do I just bathed it ? Or leave it as is?

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