Baby chick has a swollen neck


Jul 21, 2021
My baby chick has a bump bellow his beak let's say. He's having trouble breathing and the bump looks like it's swollen. It feels soft and that it has air. I don't know what to do
Post up some more particulars about the chick, its living conditions, where the chick came from, what its eating/drinking and when, what it's sleeping on, where it's sleeping, what other chicks or chickens it's in contact with, what it's poo looks like, etc.
The fine folks here will be able to better help you isolate what's going on the more information they have...
Post up some more particulars about the chick, its living conditions, where the chick came from, what its eating/drinking and when, what it's sleeping on, where it's sleeping, what other chicks or chickens it's in contact with, what it's poo looks like, etc.
The fine folks here will be able to better help you isolate what's going on the more information they have...
For living conditions, he's out in the open, drinks water and eats normal chick food. He's in contact with other baby chicks. The other chicks are fine, they eat and drink normally. The chick can walk and it likes to lay somewhere where it's warm. I brought it inside since I'm afraid I won't be able to find it.
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Does it feel like air under the skin, as a leaking or ruptured air sac might feel? Chickens and birds have many air sacs throughout the body, and a hard bump or trauma may injure one. A needle can be inserted under the skin and air can be pushed out or drawn out with a syringe to deflate it. They can recur, and may need repeated deflating.

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