Baby Ducks Paralysed


Jan 23, 2016
My baby call ducks had been going so well. They hit 8 weeks just yesterday. Voices changing, everything seemed healthy.

then this morning one was dead and another was paralysed and i have no idea why.

The only thing I can think of is there has been a lot of rain here of late and wether the wetness has effected them?

I have put all babys and adult ducks that are fine away into other pens that are not wet from the rain.

The little one that is paraylsed I have right now trying to help him. His body all over is cold.. there is little movement.

Is there anyway to save him? or is it too late? Does anyone know what it might be? :(
There may be other problems than being cold. But calls are noted for being a little more delicate than other breeds. His best chance is to be heated up immediately and to get some electrolytes in him. 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tbsp. corn syrup, 1 pint water. Do not force him to drink, because you can drown them.

Good luck.
There may be other problems than being cold. But calls are noted for being a little more delicate than other breeds. His best chance is to be heated up immediately and to get some electrolytes in him. 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tbsp. corn syrup, 1 pint water. Do not force him to drink, because you can drown them.

Good luck.

I have him inside wrapped up and providing heat to him. He can't drink too well on his own but I`ve gotten him to start eating by himself.

I do have concerns about possible botulism as the pen he's been in has got muddy water puddles and such.

I`ve been so busy with work and this has been my first day off and to have this happen on my day off is horrible.

He's trying to let out little quack noises at me at the moment.
Did you bring him into a warm place? Take some bath towels and wrap him up and dry him off. What is your outside temperature where you are at? Tagging @Amiga
I`m in australia and we're in the middle of spring. However today is really wet and miserable and it's been like this on and off for a week or so now. It's about 21 degrees Celsius outside.
I wouldn't feed him right now since he's not taking water so good.
He is kinda just running his beak through the water playing with it.
I`ll keep the food away from him until he starts drinking properly then.

When I first found him he was just about dead, he's liven up alot now since I've had him inside out of the rain. He's still not too great though that's for sure.
Sorry--I live in PA, and I automatically assume everywhere's about freezing right now. I stand by my "heat-him-up" thing though.

I'm no expert on ducks. I have a few, (okay, 31, but those fourteen drakes are going in the pot, I swear) but my first thought would be a vitamin deficiency (because I'm unlikely to be able to do anything about disease)

What are you feeding? Nutrition is often the hardest issue to detect, and I would be supplementing babies on principle.

And it could just be a lack of heat. I understand call ducks chill easily, and being chilled can look a lot like paralysis, in my bantam chicks.

EDT: just saw your above post. Hope he continues to improve.

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