Backyard visitor (pic)


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 29, 2009
Northern Kentucky
Wife and I were sitting at the dining room table this morning, drinking coffee. She looks out the window and says what the heck is that? It was a Fox, right behind the house. He just walked up the hill and layed down. When he put his head down, we knew something was wrong with him. He had come the direction of the road so we figured he was either hit by a car or was rabid. After a few minutes he got up, walked about twenty feet and sat down. He was sort of swaying side to side as if he was dazed or in a stupor. A few minutes later he gets up and walks over to the top of the wall, right behind the house. I opened the window and yelled, but he just sat there. After sitting there for a few more minutes he gets up and slowly makes his way up towards the woods. The wife was getting ready to take the dogs out for their morning deposit so I loaded the shotgun and walked all around the property to see if he was still here. I couldn't find him so I guess he made it into the woods.
I knew we had Fox around here, but haven't seen one alive, up to now.

What a beautiful photo. Pehaps he was just tipped a bit by a passing car and dazed from it. We can hope. Rabies is not something to play around with for sure.
Thanks for sharing the incredible image
Be careful! I just saw on the news that there have been a rise in rabies lately, especially in foxes. I forgot what they said about where it is.

Oh and what's with the skull in the background?
poor guy.
We have lots of fox here in my suburban neighborhood. But I don't ever see them during the day. He looks pretty good. Just not next to my coop, that's all.

And I think that skull of whatever would scare even ME away.

Oh, and
from MN!
We found that skull in the woods behind our house over a year ago. It usually sits in a flower bed, but the wife put it up there when she was doing some gardening last week.
We found that skull in the woods behind our house over a year ago. It usually sits in a flower bed, but the wife put it up there when she was doing some gardening last week.

OMG a dinosaur head as garden art. You have me beat. I just have a dumb gnome.

Imp- I want one

BTW- Skull & fox that is. Pretty cool pix
Yeah..that fox is thinking "that was mine", I ate that and I know this isn't where I left it! Hehe! Pretty picture. I hope it stays far away from your chickens.
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First let me say that is one nice wall, second...I would keep my eyes open. You don't want him rabid and hanging around there. Be careful.

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