Backyard visitor (pic)

I'll bet that was the most terrifying experience! Glad you're ok, and thank God your daughter wasn't outside with you!


Thankfully you are well and your daughter never saw anything!

I scheduled an appointment for my dog to go update his rabies shot after I saw a gigantic coon wandering around just a few feet from my property the other night. I couldn't imagine going through all the shots and everything you had to endure!
I dont think rabies is as prevelant as distemper and parvo viris usually if the fox is agressive and nuts its rabies just sick and scraggly think parvo distemper etc... Good example of a rabid fox is the fox that got into the bar a few weeks back and went nuts!!!!
It was pretty terrifying. I still get the shakes when I see a coon or possum. I know every animal I see isn't going to chase me down but, it's hard forgetting that. I still don't go out close to dusk. I do carry a large maglite or a t-ball bat with me when I go out. The funny thing is, at first I didn't know what it was. I am originally from the Texas/Oklahoma area. I grew up watching Grizzly Adams. I thought all foxes were all red and pretty like on TV. I wasn't real sure what was attacking me until the man who came and rescued me confirmed it was indeed a fox.
Howdy neighbor. I didn't realize we had foxes around here, although I guess it depends on what part of NKY you are in. Hope he decides to stay away for good!
First of all

We've got one of these little I'll say boogers just for clean languages sake. Anyways, it pulled my broody Silkie off of her eggs Thurs night
and we saw him walking across the street with her in his mouth. We tried to follow him (we were in the car coming home) but he jumped into a backyard. So we got home and yes it was her, she was gone, the eggs were scattered, and I was a mess. Anyways, it's come back every night since about the same time. So lastnight I look out after getting the girls in the coop and it's curled up in a ball about 3 feet from the coop. I yell and it runs away
THE NERVE!! So we're waiting for the neighbor to "take care of it". I don't want to kill it, I know it's just trying to survive, but go survive somewhere else darn it. And ours is much longer haired and more orangey red in color with white around the neck. I hope yours doesn't give you any problems.
i've had a few nuisance calls of what the customer said were coyotes sitting on a very similar wall near the house and not batting an eye when "spoken to." come to find out on both calls they were gray's as well. caught both, no issues, no disease, relocated to a proper/legal spot. always be cautious, but they are for the most part very docile.

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