Bad dog for nail trimming


11 Years
Jul 1, 2008
Portland, Oregon
Both of my dogs have major anxiety over nail trimming, but my young female is starting to show aggression over it. I can buy a muzzle for her, but I'm reticent to start this because she had a bad upbringing as a street dog who got picked up by the dog catcher when she was only 2 months old. I would much prefer some tips on how I can get her to wear down her own nails. I've heard people say that running your dog on concrete will take care of nails, but I've never had any luck with this.

Does anyone have tips for how to get around the nail trimming or dremel tool sanding for dogs? I just don't want any more fear-biting going on. She's had enough trauma in her young life and I don't want her thinking that there are times when she can get away with biting and showing her teeth to people.
I use the dremel, the clipper things are too harsh.

Also regular running around seems to help, my girlie plays fetch a couple of times a day and on the dirt/stoney driveway it seems to wear the nails down a bit, I haven't had to trim her nails for a while now.
they have those pet nail file things that you could try.
Or if the dog is active how about trying to get her to walk over shingles. Sometimes the texture will help wear the nails now. (works for hooved animals).
I guess we are lucky cuz the few times I have ever had to file/clip a nail or two the dogs have all been wonderful about it. They usually wear them down on there own though.
Good luck
You might also get some anti-anxiety meds from the vet for a few times to take the edge off her fear and practice some behavior mod. techniques using rewards. You might also try just doing one or two nails at a time, then let her up and maybe get another one or two nails a few hrs. later until over the course of a couple of days, they're all done. I had a cat that I had to do that way until he finally realized that: 1. I wasn't out to kill him.
2. The process did NOT actually hurt.
3. After the process was finished, there were usually special
goodies or extra loving to enjoy.

Hope you have good success!
ooh, i dont know..i just try to distract my dogs with a bone/treat while i am doing it....but..i cant imagine having a dog that shows you her are brave...good luck!
i leave mine outside most the day (and at night if they want out). they have a obsession with digging. so it wears the nails down. one of my rat terriers liked staying inside and we would have to trim her nails often. but eventually she liked staying outside as well. never dug but just running around seemed to have done the trick

Call me crazy....but I've been watching the Cesar Millan shows , and have read his books as have many of my friends who own dogs . He had a show on not too long ago who did the same thing . He basically said it's not that it hurts them , it's that they are afraid of the object and the noise . Try showing the tool , letting the dog sniff it , then making the noise . You HAVE to be in a calm relaxed assertive state though , otherwise it won't work . You have to be the one to show your dog it's OK , and by being calm they feel it from you . It worked for me...and others ! JMO .
Talk to the vet about obtaining some anti-anxiety meds for yours dogs to begin with. Also, go ahead and buy that muzzle. She may be your baby and have had a bad upbringing, but there is no need for you to get bitten. A muzzle will keep both of you safe.

Start by training her. Show her the clippers(or dremel) click the clippers, or run the dremel and then give her a small treat. Peanut butter on the tip of your finger will work well. She obviously can't have anything too large do to the muzzle. Do this until she does not exhibit fear or anxiety.

Once she does this without running or showing fear. Set the tool down within sight and lifting a front paw. The very moment she allows you to lift her paw, give her a treat. Do this until you can lift every paw, with the clippers in view.

Next, lift a front paw and clip just the very tip of the nail. Barely touch the nail, and then give her a treat. Repeat until you can do this with all her nails.

Dogs who exhibit fear and anxiety may have been clipped by an inexperience handler or a bad sessions and experience pain. Or they may just be being silly and the restraint and the noise may be overwhelming them.

The key is PATIENCE and a lot of it! It may take days, or weeks, or even months, but they'll eventually come around.
That's all very helpful. Thanks you guys! Knew I could count on you. The tips for how to acclimate the dog to the noise are great, and I also like the idea of walking her on shingles, although I don't know where I'd get enough!

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