bad or half-baked chicken advice you've received?

Personalities is a human term used to describe human emotions................... Those roosters your talking about have TRAITS and that is how they should be refered to having not personalities that's a pet chicken term, not used in real animal husbandry. respectfully speaking.
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I was told that if I feed my chickens anything other than starter crumble before they are 4 months old, it would kill them.

They seem to have survived my wanton disregard of this advice.....
, I agree with you there. I've seen my momma hens strip whole oats off the stalk and feed them to their chicks that are only a few day's old. The chicks grew really fast eating all that whole grain in addition to starter I had available. Of course I was told that chicks can ONLY eat fine ground grains like chick crumble.
Round perches may cause frozen feet or toes, or nails or what ever the tip of a chicken foot is called (claw???).

As soon as I find a tree that grown square branches I will cut the limbs off and put them in my coop. Maybe they wont get shin splints because they can stretch out there toes on flat perches.

Ok ok, I ADMIT we used tree branches cause they look cool and had to get them pretty good sized cause I worried 26 pounds of chicken falling to the ground would make a heck of a racket, and maybe break some eggs, err I mean leggs...

The other post I thought was odd was instructing someone not to have a rough perch cause it could scratch the chickens feet and cause some kind of messed up foot/feet. Don't know if it is true, but if it is I AM IN TROUBLE!!!!! The dirt on the little portion of this earth I call home is scratchy as all get out!!! Could some one please tell me where I can find soft dirt to put down in my yard???
Before we got chickens everyone said they were QUIET, peaceful pets. No book, no article, no one we talked to EVER mentioned the egg song going on for a half an hour at sunrise, or the hour long cackle/screaming that they do when another chicken is in their favorite nest box! No one mentioned that some breeds like barred rocks and speckled sussex like to wander around the yard cackling about everything like they are running for office!

Everyone we talked to said they were quiet as mice and we wouldn't even know they were there...

I love it now, but for the first year I was constantly cringing at the noise and worried that my neighbors were going to complain!
It is rough laying that daily egg and what about those double yokers? What is funny is the pullet screaming to lay her first fart egg and the old timer lays a whopper with just a short egg song. They can be such goofy gals.
I'm going to take a step outside the box here and say that the #1 bit of misinformation is that chickens need a coop and/or run. The coop and run are for human convenience, not that of the chicken. I can't believe the people who post about "Help! My chicken is roosting in a tree instead of my coop!". Yep. They're birds. Go figure.

My first flock of 7 barred rocks roosted happily in a dogwood tree (which has sparse leaves at best for maybe 4-5 months a year) through snow, sleet, and 90-degree 90% humidity nights. They only slept 2-3 birds per branch. They stuck with that tree through thick and thin. They had the worst of drafts, wind, weather and opportunistic predators and survived it all.

Moral: chickens don't need a coop and given the option, would much rather do without.

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