Bagging up Peacock for travel

Question for anyone that wants to answer . Looking for proper measurements for Peacock Carry Box . I have thought maybe 12 " x 24" x 24"
12 is too wide, the birds will get turned around and mess up the feathers. It will depend on what you use for the uprights but 9 is a good width unless you use 2x2's. If you use 1x2 eight is good unless the bird is really big. I use 9x24x24 with 1x2 uprights. Be sure the wire is pulled tight, if it is not the bird can still get turned around and not be able to access feed and water.
Thanks for the Box post .. I thought the 12" width was a little too much . Reason for asking the question . The last batch I made was 8' x 24' x24". I do not use wire on the sides .
Yeah, I guess my reply was more for auction cages. I'll get pics of a nice travel cage that is too good to give away with an auction bird. It is made for pass through so the feathers and train does not get roughed up.

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