Bald eagle injured my khaki


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 25, 2011
port angeles
My neighbor chased off a bald eagle while it was attacking one of my little khaki campbells, Indigo. She called and I rushed home, but her ribcage was totally split open I could see her breast muscle all the way to her esophagus. I can't believe she was still alive, poor thing. My neighbor came down and took her head off for me. I feel terrible even though I know this must have been the right thing to do. This is my first flock and first death. It sucks. Now I want to take more precautions against predators-some suggestions anyone?
I have to keep my ducks in a covered run or the owls and hawks get them
I am so sorry!
I don't let my ducks or chickens free-range because of this. Their run and range area are both covered over with chicken wire/wire netting. I let them out in my backyard one afternoon, and it wasn't 3 minutes before there were 2 eagles circling overhead. Would love to let them run around, but they wouldn't last 5 minutes.
You will need to maintain them in a covered run when you are not their to monitor them. The eagle now regards your place as a feed source.

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