BANTAM COCHINS CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks! They're from the base premise is no mixes, but we all know things happen even to the best of us. They don't have calico listed nor do they do mille fleur cochins. So, going from there more than likely partridge. I'm always game for a surprise...big reason I ordered a mix. I was thinking of keeping the darkest chick for sure. I've 3 of the mille fleur looking babies & 3 of the ones I thought were gold laced so might keep 1 of each to see what happens.

My brain didn't kick in..I've a gold laced oegb who's wings are nothing like those. DUH!!! lol

Guessing I got a good handful of partridge cochins. I've 13 bantams total..the others are various colors. Potential silver laced/penciled, self-blue, mottled, & black I believe is what the thought is currently. I've 11 cresteds too.

Such intriguing, sometimes aggravating, & definitely confusing fun to figure it out!
On another note....for week old chicks, how to you decide who to keep/pick? I'm looking for an assortment of color & somewhat breed. Is there a distinct difference between laced, penciled, & partridge at this age? I thought this deep reddish chick barely chipmunk marking to be seen would be partridge, but the feathers coming in are looking like the ones I think are gold laced. Also the ones I thought might be mille fleur d'uccle except for the beards not being visible when I posted about what breed was told gold laced, but their feathers are different than the others. They're not chipmunk markings either. If I'm making sense? I don't expect show quality, just would like to be able to choose different ones. Of these 3 are 2 gold laced & 1 partirdge as I'm currently thinking? Here's from today. Thank you all! Sorry if I'm a pest, but I'm trying to learn & searching for pics, etc. hasn't turned up much to help my warped brain get it.
It looks like you have a partridge Cochin and a- did you order certain breeds or are you guessing? The one looks like a Mille fluer but I don't see fluffy cheeks so I would say buff brahma.
I ordered 13 feather footed bantams & 12 (1 loss) cresteds, so 11 of them. It's total best guess, what's the surprise. I couldn't decide...I took the easy way out....well, kind of.

Yeah, the mille fleur looking ones are a total, jumpy little buggers too. Since I'm after a variety it's no heartbreak.

I am trying to learn how to choose the best chick too. I know some of the toe feathering is weak, but I do see little stubble....not certain if it'd fill in nicely or not.

Is there a way I can tell by the comb? I know brahma should have a pea comb while the others a straight? At this stage is the difference apparent?

Adding a pic of the comb...had to clean off poopy feet & one had a little poop on the head when I cleaned it I parted the feathers & got a better look at the comb. If I'm seeing this right...that's a pea comb??? So buff brahma if they all have the comb, right? If so cool! Haven't seen one in person & now I'll have one. Definite keeper.

Also, I'm horrible with my memory...I don't remember the other cochin babies having 'hard' feeling feathers at their hocks. Do they? I have 1 I was cleaning earlier today and felt little hock feathers sticking a bit out...enough I could see the pattern. I know the cochin has feathers that are soft, fuzzy yet not quite & to me they look like they curl around the hock. My memory is completely blank on if they felt 'hard' at any point.

Thank you so much for the help & putting up with my craziness. I'm totally excited that I have a brahma I'm thinking I need 1 in each color/pattern if I like the personality.

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hello! While I haven't been on this website for a year, I am coming back! Right now I'm hatching cochin bantam eggs (3 of them- 2 are from my little black cochin Beatrice, and 1 is from my tiny black frizzle cochin, Meep.) and then 7 are polish.
I also have one black cochin frizzle rooster, Mr.Frizz. :)
hello! While I haven't been on this website for a year, I am coming back! Right now I'm hatching cochin bantam eggs (3 of them- 2 are from my little black cochin Beatrice, and 1 is from my tiny black frizzle cochin, Meep.) and then 7 are polish.
I also have one black cochin frizzle rooster, Mr.Frizz. :)

Awww...good luck with your hatch. Bantam Cochin babies are so sweet and adorable
By the your roosters name
Awww...good luck with your hatch. Bantam Cochin babies are so sweet and adorable
By the your roosters name
thank you!! <3 ikr?! Plus Bea's eggs are so tiny, I didn't even know if a chick could fit? It was a miniature clown car x,D
<3 Love naming chickens Cx my silkie's name is Pablo- idk why (I had no idea of the name/why I named him that) I chose that but my friends+family tease about the name.
thank you!! <3 ikr?! Plus Bea's eggs are so tiny, I didn't even know if a chick could fit? It was a miniature clown car x,D
<3 Love naming chickens Cx my silkie's name is Pablo- idk why (I had no idea of the name/why I named him that) I chose that but my friends+family tease about the name.

Yes! Those bantam eggs are so TINY!!! It is amazing that an actual chick grows and hatches out of there...but it does
I have hatched quail before too and also amazed at how tiny those eggs and babies are
Yes! Those bantam eggs are so TINY!!! It is amazing that an actual chick grows and hatches out of there...but it does
I have hatched quail before too and also amazed at how tiny those eggs and babies are
yeah! It's pretty amaing :0 wow! I have always wanted to hatch duck or quail but my mom would be driven mad. So it is a definite no lmao.
I am truly excited! Day 18, and I took the turner off so they are in position to hatch! and the temp is perfect, and I am just super excited to see the mixed bag I get! hahah
yeah! It's pretty amaing :0 wow! I have always wanted to hatch duck or quail but my mom would be driven mad. So it is a definite no lmao.
I am truly excited! Day 18, and I took the turner off so they are in position to hatch! and the temp is perfect, and I am just super excited to see the mixed bag I get! hahah

Anytime now!!!!
It is hard, but just keep an eye and leave those babies to do their thing!!! Good luck with your hatch and Keep me updated and pictures are a MUST!!!
Anytime now!!!!
It is hard, but just keep an eye and leave those babies to do their thing!!! Good luck with your hatch and Keep me updated and pictures are a MUST!!!
yep! Except I am kinda confusing myself, as I put them in on the 19th at 2:00pm- and I think today was day 19? and early this morning I took the turner off. so idk what to do :eek:
and sure :) totally gonna send pictures if they start to hatch/hatch/or chick pictures/ updates !!

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