Banty Rooster came to live with me-Know nothing about chickens!

Sugar sand is not a real scientific name. More of a slang word. Here in florida, we has a lot of different types of soil. Sugar sand is what we call here a super micro fine dirt/sand mixture which can only be described as dust because it is so fine and like a powder. If you have a windy day and see a "dust devil" that is basically sugar sand dust blowing in that vortex. When we were youngsters and driving in the woods in the boonies, and you drove into an area that had deep sugar sand, you would get stuck. Your tires would only spin and bury your truck.
Sort of like that on some beaches too. The sand is as fine a powder. You will never get out without a tow.
Having said all of that. They like dust baths. The dustier the best. So dusty that it looks like smoke when stirred up. A natural way of controlling pests.
Wish you could SEND ME SOME! LOL! Dirt yards here have no clue. Tried selling me mortar sand. Yeah like it gets wet and his little feet are now permanently stuck! I will shop around for my "dirt" Haha!

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