Banty Rooster


In the Brooder
Jun 26, 2015
Hi folks!
My beautiful spoiled rotten chickens are finally of egg laying age! We have been giving them laying pellets and we have a rooster, for now since he is illegal in town. He was a happy accident, I don't mind having him. The girls however pick on him - ALOT! When he crows too much they peck at him to make him stop. Last night I was watching him do his strut and cackle for a good fifteen minutes and the ladies just ignored him. This can't be good for his self esteem! Poor baby, is it because they are all regular size and he is so little or are they just not as ready that I think they are. We got them all on June 1st.
Thank you. Later the same day as the post my husband found an egg! Too excited for words and waiting for the next one!


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