Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

LOL, it's just hard to tell from the pics and they almost look like twins in stance and color. Frog may have a slightly better tail angle/back than Stormy. But I can't see from the pics if his leg color is good. Their color is nice and dark and tails are full (not pinched), just watch for squirrel tail with may just be how he's standing/holding his tail.

Okay so what I am looking for on the legs is a dark yellow color, right? Frog has the better temperament and he was the one I was leaning towards.

Bstarr20, I wish you lived closer also!
OMGosh!!!!!! I got a Barnevelder egg today! It was still warm when I picked it up....and wouldn't you know it she had to lay it out in the muck.
Don't know who did it....but thank you, thank you, thank you!
I'm so not worthy. LOL!

I know I still have a while to wait for eggs, espescially as combs are still pretty pink, but I was so excited to see one of the girls squatting! They are about 4 1/2 mos. old and they are just SO beautiful... They have that green shine even when the sun isn't directly on them, and the lacing makes them look so royal. It seems like such a hard trait to catch on camera.

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