Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

I was wondering how many of you vaccinate for meraks. I am restarting my Barnevelder flock and currently have 6 chicks that are around 2 months (I'd have to look up their exact age). Those 6, I assume were not vaccinated, which is fine. My Barnevelder flock before was not vaccinated as it was a closed flock and this flock will probably be too for a while, but at some point I am going to need to sell chicks to folks in order to move the overstock I'll have hatching as I grow the flock. I do not foresee shipping chicks though the mail, but locally, yes. If I chose to sell babies how would that best be handled? Also, as far as I know, I have never had a case of Meraks here. This coop will also be built on a new site, not the old one.
I just keep going back and forth and back and forth, so I thought I would ask. I know people can get excited on this topic and it is not my goal to get folks riled up. If you need, you can PM me with your thoughts. Thx.

If you are selling to people who show (I think especially 4-H?) some are required to have vaccinated chicks. I was reading something to that effect on my local BYC page. I've vaccinated for Mareks in the past but that was before I had Barnies. I've not vaccinated my Barnies as I haven't had any problems for quite a while and it was kind of spendy to vaccinate since I had to order such a large amount of the vaccine and you can't keep it over for the next has to be all mixed up and used within 24 hours. I can't figure out why someone hasn't found a way to package it in smaller doses...perhaps for 30 or 40 chicks instead of 100+. Anyway, it was easy to vaccinate and I just googled directions and followed I said, it's been a few years so I don't remember the details.

Hope that helps.

Broody hen and chick pics:) I have an older (5+year) hen that went broody. It's too hot and I don't want her sitting in a nest box. So, I stuck her in with my nearly 40 two-week old chicks. It's been so hot that I can't run a heat lamp in that brooder and they need at least some heat during the night. So, the hen is now momma to a bunch of chicks. She's handling it well and the chicks are already taking advantage of her, LOL. I missed the picture, but at one point she had 5 of them standing on her back:)



Broody hen and chick pics:) I have an older (5+year) hen that went broody. It's too hot and I don't want her sitting in a nest box. So, I stuck her in with my nearly 40 two-week old chicks. It's been so hot that I can't run a heat lamp in that brooder and they need at least some heat during the night. So, the hen is now momma to a bunch of chicks. She's handling it well and the chicks are already taking advantage of her, LOL. I missed the picture, but at one point she had 5 of them standing on her back:)


Awww, I love it when they climb all over their mama.
I hope it cures her broodiness, mine would probably still want to sit on eggs even after living with 40 chicks!
Broody hen and chick pics:) I have an older (5+year) hen that went broody. It's too hot and I don't want her sitting in a nest box. So, I stuck her in with my nearly 40 two-week old chicks. It's been so hot that I can't run a heat lamp in that brooder and they need at least some heat during the night. So, the hen is now momma to a bunch of chicks. She's handling it well and the chicks are already taking advantage of her, LOL. I missed the picture, but at one point she had 5 of them standing on her back:)


To friggin cute!!!!

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