Barred Rock Cockerel, Zane...Updates

They are vaccinating and working with NPIP to fix the problem. They should be clear of it in 3 years. So at least it can be fixed.
It really sounds like he has a infection in the one leg from trauma. Not everything is caused by disease. I do hope he gets back to his old self soon.
Just got myself up to date on Zane and your dad. It is wonderful news on Zane, I am sure he is going to be in full control of the flock in a very short time. He will/has made you proud.
Did you ever find out if your dad came home? God Bless him for everything he has been through.
I've just now been able to get the scoop on Mr. Zane and the news sounds promising! Painful, but promising! Maybe by the end of the week, with those bone fragments out (fragments seem to be the most likely explanation here and would explain a lot) he will be able to stand/walk on that leg some. I'm so glad that he is such a fighter! You definitely needed him to be.
You go Zaner!
Thank you all for your concern about Zane. He's an amazing boy and if not, I wouldn't be going through this to try to get him back in action. I realize most others would have euthanized him by now, but if there is any chance he could be walking and leading the flock again, I want to see it through till it's obvious he won't ever be up to par again. If that happens, well, I just dont want to think he won't make it after all this.
My dad did go home from the hospital a few days ago and is going to be in therapy three days a week. He's been fitted for a prosthetic leg, too, so he's on the mend and learning to live with his disability. I think his mood is as upbeat as it could be for what's happened to him at his age.
William, got your PM. I do appreciate your vast knowledge and experience and I know you're trying to help me out here. I may have some questions for you later on and I thank you for your input.

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