Barred Rock Cockerel, Zane...Updates

Prayers continue to you, Zane and your Dad.....I was looking at the earlier pages on this thread....and didn't see a picture of Zane? Can you post one?
Sure, these are my two favorite pics of Zane, taken right about the time he fell and was injured.

I'm happy to hear that your dad is doing well Cyn. Let's all just pray and cross our fingers that things will keep going uphill for you!
Speckled Hen, I am so thankful that your father is doing so very well!

And I'm so thankful that Zane is doing well. I have a BR cockerel that just turned 7 weeks old and would like some advice on how to tame him as you have tamed Zane. Was he as friendly and sociable before he was hurt? Mine will eat out of my hand, even sit on my lap to eat out of the bucket, but he freaks when I touch him. Should I cage him until he is handleable? I hate to take him away from the others but I don't want him to become aggressive when he gets older either.
Becky, Zane was very friendly from the start. His baby brothers, Dutch and Mace, are also very friendly. Mace was raised by a broody, too. I always handle them alot, but I truly think it's in their genetic makeup to be sweethearts. Every boy produced by Hawkeye and Lexie except one is like that. Zane is just much more so than the others.
Glad that Zane is doing well....jeez, he sure got his hands full and hopefully by fall, he will be up and breeding and some of us would want some of Zane's babies, not only for color and breed but his determination to stay alive!
In many ways, he's improved tremendously, but on the bum leg, he seems to have no feeling in that foot. He does not grip with his toes and almost uses that leg as a walking stick for balance. He walks, but all the while, flapping his wings to take weight off. He's not out of the woods by a long shot and I just wish I knew if he would really get strong enough to take his place at the head of the flock. If he can't, I wont let him live a handicapped life.
I wouldn't give up on him yet, especially after all the time you've invested in him...
Good news about your dad too.

And I can picture Penny popping her head up out of a leaf pile, so I know that she's pleased for the thought of naming one of your girls after her.
S.C., thanks for letting me name one of my cute little NH girls after your Penny. I named the other one Lucy. They're pretty little coppery/orangey red girls.
Im not ready to give up on Zane just yet. He needs some time since all that awful gunk popped out of his joint, to see if that will really help. But, in the end, when the time has come and he hasn't healed and it's obvious that he can't, I wont let him live an undignified life like this. He's just too wonderful. I really love that boy.
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