Barred Rock Cockerel, Zane...Updates

Hey, Cyn.......I've followed Zane's progress from the beginning and have ridden the roller coaster right along side you.

You said something a couple pages ago about some of the gunk looking almost granular. I immediately thought of a situation I have here.

I adopted some adult hens from a friend who has 'aged out' of chickens (she's 78 and tired). My friend never handled her birds to speak of, as they were utility animals used for eggs. When I touch them, they all squak and carry on like my kids do when one of them accidently touches the other (God forbid).

One of these hens had an abscess on the upper section of one wing when I brought her home. (I have the new girls separate from my existing flock.) I removed the scab and drained some gunk out that first day and have checked and drained religiously daily since. I also have antibiotic water in for them, which I started immediately across the board for all the new girls, not knowing what was going on at first.

Yesterday and again tonight, I got some of that granular looking tissue with draining. It reminded me of the gristle found in the joints. This hen is very patient and lets me really put a lot of pressure on the wing. Further inspection tonight (with reduced swelling in the area) revealed a fracture at the elbow joint. I was really shocked to find a fracture.

I'm trying to remember if fracture has been discussed regarding Zane's leg.......but, is it possible?
Sure hope that means he's permanently on the mend now! Come on, Zane!!!
Mahonri, the Pen G bottle says never to keep them on it more than 4 days. We did 5 days because the infection was so gross and he'd had it way long enough-wanted to knock that out if we could.
The gristle description seems right-that's pretty much what it resembled. Maybe it wasn't all bone, but other connective tissue of some sort. In any case, it needed to come out of there!
Any more news on Zane today? Still the same, better, anything???
Did you have to drain the area again? I'm crossing my fingers, toes, and everything that there is some improvement after yesterday Cyn.
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Just watch the area and then if it looks worse start the Pen G again. I know we've had animals (usually cows) on it longer than the 4 days. When surgery is done the vet usually has us keep them on it for a week to prevent infection (barns are not a sterile place for surgery!). Had a calf on it for weeks for a broken leg that protruded and developed an infection.
We got it! We got a clump of solidified infection out of the joint and now, there nothing in there, no fluid, no infection, nothing. Can't get anymore out of the incision at all, it looks completely cleaned out! We applied a sulfa cream to the wound and bandaged it and now we're waiting to see what happens. My DH kept saying there was more in there, that he could see it moving under the skin so he went in with tweezers, very carefully, and pulled some out, then when we squeezed the joint a bit, a huge clump of grossness came out, just like when we treat bumblefoot!
Thanks for the info Kitty. We may give him another round of it, just to be safe.
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I'm glad you got that out!
Now hopefully he will heal up.

What they want is after 4 days for you to see a vet. We all know how hard that can be with chickens. Withdrawal times will go up too if used beyond the 4 days but, that's not an issue for Zane.

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