Barred rock: hen or rooster?

I am so happy for you! I am having the same problem and my BR looks exactly like yours. She has not laid an egg yet though and she is about 27 weeks old. I have another BR hen, same age, and she has been laying for a month. I see no outward signs that it is a rooster, no crowing, strutting, mounting, nothing. My Iowa Blue Rooster does not act any differently around this one then my other 10 young hens. Please let me know when yours starts laying. Again, so happy yours is a little girl!
My Bob/Bessie is a Bessie! Anyway I think she is as she has been laying in the nesting box, sometimes there is an egg, sometimes not. I can't swear the eggs are hers yet but hopefully will soon! Yeah!
Roosters are a little like bulls. Some are nicer and more predictable than others, but it is their nature to be mean. It's like making friends with a guard dog.
Too early to tell? Two to three week old barred rock. Opinions?

I think a hen. She is verry dark.
I have 1 6 weeks old and 6 from 3 days old.
At The picture you see Remi and she is a she from 6 weeks old.

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