Basic pickled hard boiled eggs


7 Years
Nov 19, 2013
East central MN
Chickens have gone into egg overdrive... 5-6 eggs more than I can use. Every morning. What to do?

Pickled eggs.

1 C water

2 C white vinegar

1/3 C white sugar

1/2 large sweet yellow onion, sliced thick

1 large clove garlic, peeled and cut in half crossways

1 rounded Tablespoon "store bought" pickling spice

10 grams sea salt (or about 2 heaping teaspoons canning & pickling salt)

2 dozen peeled hard boiled eggs, use eggs that have gone past a week in storage for easier peeling. (my Dorking eggs are medium sized, less will fit in jar with large or jumbo eggs)

Place all ingredients in clean 1/2 Gallon mason jar, if solid ingredients are not covered by pickling liquid, add more of the white vinegar/water in a 2:1 mix until covered. Cover jar & refrigerate. Wait at least 1 week before tasting- Flavor continues to improve for at least a month (longest any have lasted here!), some have said they kept these for over a year in the refrigerator without problems.

I have substituted part of the white vinegar with apple cider and/or white wine vinegar, or added a little balsamic vinegar, it's all good-


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