Bathing a Silkie

E.M. Silkies

9 Years
Aug 7, 2010
Me again!
I was wondering about how to bathe a Silkie. What kind of soap? how do you know they're all the way clean? How do you dry them? Any info. and details you can give me would be great!
I can't remember which breeder has the in-depth lesson on bathing Silkies....

The type of shampoo depends on the color bird. Since I don't raise white Silkies, I use a no-tears flea formula dog shampoo. Wet down the bird with lukewarm water; NEVER get water on their nostrils, they'll drown. Lather with shampoo; scrub everywhere while the bird stands in the water. I bathe mine in the bathroom sink. Rinse thoroughly~~then rinse again. Then I sit the bird in my husbands sink, lined with a towel, and blow dry on the low setting. The drying part is usually when my bird goes to sleep~~they love it.

Forgot to add that I kind of hold the bird upside down to wash their crest; it's the only way I can do it without the risk of drowning them.

After bathing, I clip their toenails, clip their beak (if it needs it), check ears for any kind of gunk.

It's not difficult and most birds enjoy it.

Good luck
Wow, they actually enjoy it?! Oh I can't wait!! I was prepared for the bird to go nuts and flip out on me! Now I'm actually excited and looking forward to bathing one for the first time! Thanks so much!
Some birds like it; some do not. I use the tub and give them a "shower" under the faucet. Some people use dish detergent, but that is too drying. Any sort of shampoo is better. Probably the very best is one made for parrots; kind of pricey, though. But the birds *SHINE* afterwards.
How often is too often? As in, with horses you should not shampoo more than once a week- you can rinse them daily, but shouldn't use soap.
I use the method posted above, and found it works really well for me, although I've modified certain things to better fit my needs. I like to use kid's shampoo, because it's pretty gentle and smells nice. Mine smells like Mango.

My mom really doesn't like birds in the house, so I prepare 3 storage bins filled with lukewarm water. Shampoo in the first, vinegar in the second to cut the soap (I think the ratio is 1/4 cup per every gal of water, but don't take my word for it), and just plain water in the last. When the bird is in the first, I also put shampoo on the bird and suds him/her up. When warm this takes place outside. When it's chilly or just plain cold I move the bins to the basement away from drafts.

I notice that all of my birds EXCEPT Silkies love the baths. They fall asleep in the water and it's my job to get them clean AND make sure they don't drown (because, really, some of them just don't seem to notice!). My Silkies seem to really loathe the baths and I've got some nasty cuts from them trying to claw their way out and flapping all over the place. Only recently have they begun to truly adjust to bath times and figure out that no, I'm not trying to hurt them.
I've heard it suggested multiple times, I even found the directions somewhere online, but I forgot where. White distilled vinegar, I think. My mom always says that I'm going to make them 'smell like a salad' (fruit shampoo and vinegar) but I never smell it by the end of the bath. The smell of shampoo is too strong. And I find it helpful for cutting the soap.

Whether many others use it, I don't know. If you aren't comfortable using it, then don't. Just make sure you get all the soap out. I left some soap in my bird the first few times practicing and it wasn't fun.

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