Bay Area BYCers!

Hey Sunny - cute babies!

Any pics of Clark Gable or Marlon Brando lately? Just curious how they turned out... Their hatchmate Jane is starting to get a bit red and filling out her comb - I think she's thinking about being a big girl and laying sometime.
Marlon went to the 4-H program here at the university (they donate animals to local kids and there was someone asking for an EE pair there so I donated him and one of my EE girls). He was having a hard time separating from Clark anyway (I had to separate them to start my breeding project for my BCMs). I haven't gotten a recent pic of Clark but I need to. He is turning into a gorgeous roo! My Hubby was just remarking yesterday on how beautiful his coloring is. Next few days are gonna be pretty hectic but if I forget remind me later in the week and I'll be sure to get a pic of him up.
Marlon went to the 4-H program here at the university (they donate animals to local kids and there was someone asking for an EE pair there so I donated him and one of my EE girls). He was having a hard time separating from Clark anyway (I had to separate them to start my breeding project for my BCMs). I haven't gotten a recent pic of Clark but I need to. He is turning into a gorgeous roo! My Hubby was just remarking yesterday on how beautiful his coloring is. Next few days are gonna be pretty hectic but if I forget remind me later in the week and I'll be sure to get a pic of him up.

Awwwww. Glad Marlon ended up somewhere good.
ETA: hit the button too quick.
I look forward to a pic of Clark.
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OK I can sleep now. I put some juveniles outside today. This is their first night. Two are from the cat massacre. I don't know why I thought they were both CMs, but one is and one is a BCM from the eggs I won in stockton. My stockton bird is a pullet! I waited until today to mix all the brooders from out there because this pullets neck had tears and I wanted it to heal so she wouldn't be pecked by the others. They all did fine and it's their first night out. Seems to be going well

I came in after checking them and went to check my hatcher. Today is hatch day, but nothing. Started to lift the top and heard a peep and closed it up quick, so hopefully I'll have some more BCMs tomorrow. And I have a couple of my M x Games in there. I've been getting neighbors asking for them!!!!! Maybe I'll be able to afford feed this summer after all. I'm filling an auction order and I think I'll hatch about 30 of them and then do another auction. They are so cute. The Wheaten are clean legged and the Blacks are feather legged. Actually look like really mossy BCMs LOL I like them! Can't wait till they lay so I can see how much the eggs lighten or if they stay a little darker.

I think Dakotah is turning my lone quail into a pet. You'd think he was feeding a grown flock of geese they way he fills the dish for it.
NOOOOOOO!!! That's horrible!

First they destroy your home now they want to take all your chickens away?!!! Cheryl, that is the worst news ever!
I can post your birds on the Nevada thread if you'd like. I can't believe this is happening to you! This is too too much!!! It's not fair that so much is happening to you all at once!!!
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