Bay Area BYCers!

Well keep trying to get through to the city, but if worst comes to worst, they have a home here Cheryl, and You are welcome anytime. I know you couldn't make it to the chickenstock here, but they would have plenty of space, I work on my inlaws ranch next door to our new house, so I am always around, and I spoil my babies.
Cheryl, try to stay calm so you can pull through at work tomorrow. You have a lot of support here, and this will work itself out. I dont want you to have job trouble on top of chicken and house problems. Perhaps you could take a few days off after the presentation and give the chickens full focus then? I hope I dont sound too motherly, just worried about you.

Thanks for some hope for Cheryl and for the rest of us ... we're all in shock !!!

Your offer of keeping the flock together is an important one ... thank you for your kindness, esp. when you're in the midst of moving yourself and preparing for your little one!

I'm willing to help with some donations !
Cheryl it's beautiful on that ranch and the area is gorgeous! Maybe if you do have to go through with this it will give you time to fight City Hall!

Maybe all the BYCers should show in support.

Rob's a celebrity now. Maybe he could even be there.

Heck no! We won't go!!

I mean, your coops are nicer than my house!
Cheryl ..

You've got a beautiful house, etc. ... but if the city is going to be that mean, after all that they did to you with the sewage, maybe it's a sign to consider finding a more friendly place to live after all this ... this is just not fair ... it's not that the neighbors are 20 feet away from the coops!
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Cheryl, I've sent you an email.

I'm so, so sorry that this has happened to you.

I can't believe someone or the city of Lafayette would be so cruel and downright mean. How can they only give you until the 8th???

No matter though, BYC is a family and an amazing community for support, I'm absolutely positive that we as a group will be able to help you in whatever way possible, myself included.
Wow, I can't believe this! I'm not sure what I can do to help, but let me know and I'll do what I can.

Cheryl ..

You've got a beautiful house, etc. ... but if the city is going to be that mean, after all that they did to you with the sewage, maybe it's a sign to consider finding a more friendly place to live after all this ... this is just not fair ... it's not that the neighbors are 20 feet away from the coops!

I agree.
Wow Cheryl, I am shocked. Your pens are exemplary. If they can shut down your operation, I cringe for others. I am so sorry. Maybe it is time to come see the Santa Cruz Mountains and their relative freedom sooner than later. I have the space and the ability to house any chooks until you figure out the next step. Breathe deeply, take solace in the support of fellow chicken lovers, and enjoy your chickens as much as possible for as long as possible. Again, So Sorry, Luke
I really wish I could take the birds, but I have no room for them
And I wish I knew somebody who wanted to take some chickens. I know some people who are considering getting another chicken for their lonely rescue pullet, but I don't know when they will want it. And my uncle wants birds, but he won't want them till the coop's built and I think he wants chicks
I'm really sorry

Is there a way to fight this? This is horrible!! I am sooo Sorry Cheryl!
I am moving this week to a new house on 5 Acres, but I won't have a coop built right away. I wish I could help!

We would be willing to help move Cheryl's coops and build a couple of runs for them if you (or anyone else) could provide a home for them! Maybe we could all pitch together to get them set up quickly! It is too heart breaking to think about what might happen to them if someone here can't take them in!

I will talk to DH and see if we can come down this coming weekend!

And YES! I would help make a perfect coop for them! I like making chicken things- especially with wood- and my schedule is flexible since I'm part-time homschooled and my classes don't take very long.
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