Bay Area BYCers!

Yes and don't forget besides the awesome taste difference fresh eggs don't smell like wet dogs like the store ones do
I'm thinking of going to poach some with some toast.
Good Morning everybody! Looks like it's been a chatty weekend here, I have a lot to catch up on, lol.

So we aren't officially going to be living in the new house until next weekend, they are pouring the driveway and walk ways this week, and doing the finishing touches like fire alarms and door knobs. But we did spend the weekend moving stuff we don't regularly use over, like the Nursery furniture, and all Lukes stuff, the living room furniture except for 1 couch, and all the little things stuffed in closets and drawers. Bill will be slowly moving over Garage items this week after school. Then this Saturday is the baby shower, but on Sunday my parents will be coming up to help move the rest. Good news is that instead of buying TONS of boxes, we are using only 5, so that we have to bring over a few, unpack them, then reuse them. Otherwise I know the boxes would end up in the garage and be rifled through everytime we need something over the next year, making a bigger and bigger mess, lol.

So how was everybody elses weekend? Did I miss anything big?
Wow! A lot sure did happen this weekend. I told DH he was off the hook this weekend 'cause last I heard the coop building project was no longer necessary and here I find that it's back on and completed! LOL Steff, you and Tim deserve a reward for tackling that on your own!

Kelsey, you mean there is a sane way to move?!! Who knew? We always do the rifling through a ton of boxes routine and take months to get unpacked. Plus there always seems to be one box that goes MIA on us.

Enjoyed the show Cheryl. I didn't see any negatives. They just seemed tickled by the cuteness.
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Thank you for posting the link on the show Cheryl, I don't have television service right now so I was disappointed at the thought of missing it. I thought it was a nice piece :).
Jules do you need a rooster or two to process.?? I have a few I was going to take to the sale.

Ooh, a sale? When? I can't buy any more chickens, but looking is always nice
I liked the part at the end where one of the gals says something like, "They are way more popular than I thought!" Tee hee. If she only knew... Good thing Cheryl never said the word "addiction" aloud...
Jules do you need a rooster or two to process.?? I have a few I was going to take to the sale.

With the 26 meaties, I suspect that I'll be good and tired of processing soon. Did you want to come down and do yours that day though?

One of your Dellies (a pullet, of course) turned up dead in the coop yesterday. No signs of any injury or illness, just dead.

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