Bay Area BYCers!

Cheryl, I don't plan to sell my roos. I'm giving them away. If I say that in an ad, though, I'm afraid they will immediately get sent to freezer camp. I feel like I should give them a fighting chance, especially my Barnevelder boys.
oh I wasn't answering your post sorry, it was directed towards ChickasaurusRex

haha! sorry. I forget what was said a few pages back.

I should have quoted, but sometimes the quotes get so crazy long, sorry

I hope I'm posting in the correct place. I live in the Bay Area, and I need some help. I posted to Silicon Valley Chickens, and one of the members suggested that I post to the Bay Area thread of the BYC forum, so here goes! Thank you.

If you read this, thanks in advance. I could really use some guidance.

I’ll try to keep this brief. I’ve rescued companion animals (dogs, cats, rats, and rabbits) for the past decade. I’ve pulled from high-kill shelters, spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and found “forever homes” for countless animals. My life revolved around rescue. I met a wonderful guy, fell in love, and he joined in the rescue effort. We got engaged, and were busy planning our wedding. Then, shockingly and tragically, he was struck by a drunk driver while on his way to work early one morning, and he died.

When he died, I had our 3 dogs, our rescued fish, our 4 rescued rats, our 2 rescued chicks, a litter of foster kittens, 12 foster rats, and 2 foster dogs. With help of loved ones, I managed to find homes for all of our foster animals, and I kept our animals. Our rats eventually passed away, our dogs remain with me, and our chicks have grown into chickens. I never meant to end up with chickens. It was one of those emergency rescue situations that I frequently found myself involved in. During the critical period after Ryan’s passing, watching the chicks grow up was one of the only things that brought me any joy at all.

Since Ryan’s passing, I’ve struggled immensely to get my life together. I was forced to move out of the home that we shared together (I couldn’t afford it on my own), and I’ve bounced from place to place with all of our animals.

I’ve finally found myself on the “other end” of the rescue paradigm. I can’t keep the chickens, and I am heartbroken. I moved into a place in Campbell that doesn’t allow them, so my parents constructed a grand coop and run for them at their home in Morgan Hill. While the coop was being constructed, neighbors were complaining to the city and to their HOA. The HOA informed them that absolutely no farm animals are allowed in their development.

I am devastated. Heartbroken. I don’t know what to do. I feel like I am left with no choice but to re-home them, and that hurts so much. Furthermore, I see that most chicken enthusiasts are really into exotic chickens. My chickens were rescued (they were rejected as food for someone’s reptile, and were going to literally be stomped to death as chicks). One of them grew up to be a small adorable white bantam. The other one is a goofy, gangly, adorable brown chicken with feathery feet. They are both hens.

I would GREATLY appreciate any and all advice. Is it possible that there is a loving person out there who would consider taking them in? They are healthy, friendly, and precious.

Please let me know if you can think of anything, or if you know anyone who might be interested in taking them in.

Thank you so much.
YOU are really a trooper, through so much adversity you have come through the other side a whole person, why don't you put of craigslist. Very many families are looking for established hens and would welcome yours.
What a heart wrenching story, I really hope you're headed towards a better place in life from here forward.

I may have room for a few hens or know of a few folks who are looking, I can email them. Do you have any pictures of the birds? Are they vaccinated against Marek's disease? Have they ever had or shown any signs of illness?
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Well, things are much quieter here now that the Welsummers are gone. (They moved to a new chicken owner friend of mine who is thrilled with them.) The Cinco de Mayo hatchlings are getting so big and I'm looking forward to getting eggs this fall from them. They're quite beautiful - 2 Dorkings and a Barred Rock - and well-integrated with the rest of the flock.

I used some fresh eggs yesterday for homemade custard-style peach ice cream. Boy was that good!

In other news, I'm working on splitting a whole steer with another local family, and need someone to take a 1/4. It's grass-fed lean, really flavorful meat. It'll be delivered to Menlo Park for me, so if anyone in the south bay is looking for some nice grass-fed beef for the freezer, PM me and I'll send you the info.
Anna I'd like the info about the steer...boy I miss chatting with you, haven't seen you on here lately!

Can you send me the peach ice cream recipe. I made apricot last week and it turned out good, but not great. I made pineapple the week before but was too icey

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