Bay Area BYCers!

Just another reason I want to process my own birds... after the wreckage had been cleared the remaining "live" chickens were still taken to the processing plant.
Double post.
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I just about cried when I saw them tossing them in the crates. Just piled on top of eachother and still alive. Sickening.

Guys I have one 2 pullets laying that were hatch from January to June. They will be fine. I bet they aren't dudes at all. Please don't give up on them or I'll have to build even more coops and take them all in. LOL

Congrats Cheryl. Wellies are one of my all time favorites. I'm going to be ordering more eggs myself later on. I want lots of FBCMs and Wellies. I even have them in bantam size. My little cockerel is so pretty. Once the coops I'm trying to get done are in place my girls will go into a pen with him. Right now they rae in with my Pene roo. I have 3 chicks from them now, but I'm pretty sure my oldest one is a cockerel and I have 2 that haven't started feathering out yet, so hopefully I will actually get a pullet or two. Every other one I hatched from them were cockerels. I did get more for them at auction than I did for my purebred roo. They are really pretty boys.
I have to say that Karen is an awesome woman!

I needed to learn how to cut the peach bins and she worked circles around me. Carried more, did the cutting, came up with a design and Connected everything that needed done before it gets here. I did hold a couple of boards steady for her!

My little coop is coming next week and I can put the roof and nest box together and then it needs paint. I have a stump out back and I let it grow out for shade since last summer. I have branches on it that will be used as roosts. Since I have single nest boxes, I'm going to use one for the coop. It's small and only a few birds will be in each one, so they are only getting one box. At least I'll know exactly where the eggs are. There may be some vinyl tiles on my storage unit. Have no idea where in that thing to look, but I'm going over when I have an hour or two and see if they are near the front. I didn't want them, so my husband may have given them away, but if they are there, I'll use them for flooring.

It's funny how if you looked at these bins, you would never think there was as much room inside as there is. I have only pairs or trios of some of my breeds and types, so they'll be really happy I think. Maybe I'll be ablr to get even more. Karen is going to check on a second one for me now. It did help to see how she did things. I just haven't been able to do things myself for a while after having someone to build with for years. At least I was on the right track.

There was a down side to my visit. I wore Karen out. I had to come home. I love it there.
Here is a Cardi Jeremy. He was 9 months old when he won here. He is a very nice farm/house dog and the only Corgi that has never killed a bird far. He goes with me when I feed, so he is pretty used to the birds and the geese scare him when they charge as a I'll have ot get some pics of that!


He's a handsome boy Walt.

Toby gets excited and does circles around the chicken runs, he hasn't ever hurt a bird though. When he was a puppy I threw him in with my old layer girls and let them "establish pecking order" with him. He knows his place!
Toby likes to come into the runs and then poop, otherwise he doesn't have much interest being around the birds. He does get whiny though when I'm inside the pens handling a bird, he can be pretty jealous.

We're thinking about getting another Corgi, maybe sometime next year. I love them.

A few pictures...

Pretty recent.

Dust bathing.


Helping a younger cousin make mud pies (still a puppy here).
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Hey guys!

I'm poppin in again.

Do any of you Breed Netherland Dwarf Rabbits? I'm looking for a SQ Buck. I found a breeder in Brownsville that has some nice stock, but I wanted to check with you guys, to see if anybody Breeds them.

Thanks Guys!
Thanks Jeremy,

We have two Netherland Dwarf Does, that are currently (Hopefully) pregnant by a buck that won 23 legs last year. But for one of them this is her first pregnancy, and I know it's a high probability that she won't have a live first birth, and I have been told, that if she doesn't have a live birth, it best to rebreed fairly quickly after the birth. But I need a buck to do that, lol.
Well thank you Kim. So nice of you to say that. I was happy to do it & can help you with the next coop if you want. Maybe I should cut your two openings out for you before Aaron takes it to your house. Let me know. I am so glad we found reusable materials around here. It sometimes pays to be a pack rat......LOL
Taylot had called & left a mesage while you & I were outside & busy working on the coop. Too bad we missed his call. He was going to come over & join us.....LOL.
I need to get everyone fed & the brooders watered early. Today is the Halloween Carnival & I have lots to do before it starts at 3.
My new eggs are on their way hopefully this set will arrive in a timely manner. The ones you saw yesterday were 12 days traveling. What a yucky mess they were.
I need to dunk & strip a BCM rooster that was free range that I found dead. My daughter's dog need to go backon his collar. He is wreaking havoc around here. I have been washing & keeping the feathers.

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