Bay Area BYCers!

Hi Everyone,

How many of us might / are going to the Stockton show on Saturday? As long as it is not pouring rain, we plan to be there, probably around noon to 2 p.m., then we have a dinner in S.F.
Where's a central place to sort of meet up / cross paths?? I'm picking up my jacket from Cheryl, so, I'm assuming that she'll have a stationary place somewhere?
Thanks, looking forward to seeing many of us !

I'll be there friday afternoon til sunday morning. Maybe on Saturday we can get together at the snack bar area, like last year and take over a table or two. Maybe someone has a BYC table topper flag?? :)
I plan on being at Stockton bright and early, I hope to check the Orps I'm bringing into the sale barn around 7:00, 7:30. I'll be stuck there until they are sold, I don't want to leave my babies alone!
Jeremy! You mean I get to see and harass you..oh what fun! I'm not showing to much shizz going on right now...but I'll be there hoping to not get anything Need to find someone whose going to fresno who can do a pickup for me. :/
Hi there! I just joined today. First forum ever! I live in Moraga and have 7 hens. For those looking for (sort of) local feed and supply shops, there is one in Alamo as well. I have read mixed reviews but I have always had helpful, friendly service there. I'll try and post a few pics later of the crew.

Take care,
I plan on being at Stockton bright and early, I hope to check the Orps I'm bringing into the sale barn around 7:00, 7:30. I'll be stuck there until they are sold, I don't want to leave my babies alone!

They should not take long to sell. The sales area is usually pretty well run Jeremy. Check it may feel comfortable about leaving them once you check that out.

My Sumatras have finally started laying! I have 3 eggs in the bator so far, I'm hoping all 3 of those eggs hatch and are either Dun or Platinum. :D
I would like everyone to meet Jessica, my Swedish Flower Hen chick.

I'm pretty sure she's a pullet and I think she is just about the cutest chick I have ever seen.

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