BBS Cochin adopt an egg hatch-a-long

Took a quick peek at H1. I could hear it moving and rubbing on shell, think I heard a little peep, but the others were coming in to the coop for bed so were all very loud. But could feel it moving all over in the shell. Could see dark in the air cell but may have been a shadow or may be internally pipped. My guess is it will hatch sometime tomorrow
Took a quick peek at H1. I could hear it moving and rubbing on shell, think I heard a little peep, but the others were coming in to the coop for bed so were all very loud. But could feel it moving all over in the shell. Could see dark in the air cell but may have been a shadow or may be internally pipped. My guess is it will hatch sometime tomorrow
Yay! Dark & a shadow with movement is exactly what should be happening!

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