Beach vacation up to 11 lavender silkie chicks!!

Thanks, now I know I'm not the only one. I did the same thing last November. Wasn't thinking about a camping trip with my sisters over Thanksgiving holidays. Well we hatched eggs in my motorhome. My sister's thought I had finally lost it when I told them there would be chicks on our trip. But they all were fighting over a spot to watch them hatch! All went well and brought home a lot of showgirls and silkies! Never underestimate the power of a hatchaholic!! Where there is a will, we'll find a way!!
Only a chicken addict would forget a planned vacation because there are eggs for sale. I hope you have a great vacation and a great hatch!

People that don't have chickens just don't have a clue how bad the addiction is. Some of my neighbors were looking at me like I was nuts last year as I was loading a brooder(built specifically for it)into the travel trailer last fall. As it turned out them same 22 chicks went to the lake with us 3 times.
We did that our last hatch. The eggs had been in the bator 4 days when hubby got a call from his uncle to come help out down at the beach house, we loaded the car, baby, and eggs and drove down stayed a week and drove back. Then after we had been home a few days he called again asking for hubby's help for another week. Baby and I spent the day on the shore while hubby and uncle re-decked and re-sided the house. Eggs hatched the day after we came back home.
Yeah!! So I'm not the only one
My DD was reading this thread and I mentioned that I'm really not a hatchaholic because I don't hatch all that many chicks. She agreed...until I mentioned that I had just bid on some HatTrick eggs at which she replied, "You're a hatchaholic, Mom" I busted out in gales of laughter...mainly because I knew that I would never win the bid...but I get a charge out of bidding to my limit of about $100. the way future...I will have saved enough $$ to purchase HatTrick eggs. Actually, I would probably be better off to save enough to fly to Mass. and pick them up so I don't have to worry about the damage from shipping!!

It's pouring rain today...of we are going to be house bound for the rest of today. We did have a nice long shell collecting trip this morning though. I think we're going to drive in to Port Saint Joe and have some wood-fired pizza for lunch and do a little much as you can do in Port Saint Joe!!

Here is the ocean this morning from our deck and the second is the bay behind us:


One thing that I didn't mention in the first post is that some of the eggs that I receieved were cracked. I tossed one but waxed 4 of the others. Two of those came out at day 14 as quitters as I expected, but I did want to give them a chance because they are lavender and porcelain silkie eggs. However 2 others continued to have viable chicks. I decided not to candle at day 18 as I didn't bring my good candling flashlight and certainly didn't want to take any chances.

Yesterday morning, day 18, I straightened up a couple of eggs that had tipped on their sides and decided to leave them upright in between the rails in the incubator. One of the ones that tipped was one of the waxed ones and when I straightened it up a tiny piece of shell popped off...sticking to the egg next to it. I decided not to do anything about it except make sure the humidity was high to keep it from drying out.

Today, I thought there might be an odd smell in the bator and I opened it quickly and took out the waxed egg, thinking surely this was the one. To my surprise, the egg "cheeped" at me!!!! I'm so excited that it's alive and pipped the aircell. It's one of the lavenders. Oh please, oh please....hatch and be okay!!!!
We have a lavender silkie baby!!!! It hatched way early the night of day 19. This is the one that was cracked when I received it and I waxed it and put it in the incubator, crossing my fingers. It must have hatched early because of the crack in the egg. I heard it peeping last night and when I got up this morning, it was already dried. After 8 hours and none of the others were pipped, we went ahead and quickly took it out and put it in the brooder.

Below is a pic. It's it silkie perfection!! Huge beard, vaulted skull, perfect toes....just couldn't be happier!!


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