Beautiful Day here today...... PICS PICS and more PICS


12 Years
Sep 19, 2007
Thurmont, MD
It was a beautiful day here in Maryland. The sun was out after several days of rain, so it was a good day to take some pictures of some of the animals around here. Hope you enjoy.....

Blue Ameracauna Cockeral

Blue Ameracauna Hen

My little Mutt Bantam Hen

Wheaten Ameracauna Hens (sharing a nest)

The bantam cochin girls (Self-Blue "Dusty" on the left, Splash in the Center and Blue on the right)

Some of the Waterfowl (Brown and Black Muscovey in the Back, big Man Goose from Ideal, still not for sure what he is, Chocolate in the front (Khaki Campbell)

Chantilly - Belgian Mare doing what she does best - eat

Jasmine (LaMancha Doe) and Yogi (Nigerian Dwarf Whether)

Danny and Daisy (Boar cross Doe and Whether)
Well Henry - You got um....

I want something that lays dark eggs, but also want something that lays a large to jumbo egg. You will have to let me know your thoughts on Maran vs. Welsummer.

You realize that the 2 Wheaten girls are from Peachick. Also, my blue, black and buff silkies are from Peachick. I had a Grey Silkie rooster from Peachick, but that little dude was so mean and would attack anyone or anything that came near him or his girls, so he had to go.
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I will let you know once mine start laying from what I have seen the Marans eggs are bigger but they have about half as good a lay rate as the wellies. Ya I have two of your Wheaten Ameraucana's sisters they are great little birds! I will let you know how these turn out all your birds look great it was beautiful here today.

Awww, what a beautiful little family you have. You could tell they were all enjoying the beautiful day, too. We have rain forecast for the next few days here. I heard thunder off in the distance a little while ago.

Thanks for sharing the beautiful pics!
cajunlizz - The Wheaten's are just over 1 year old. They started laying right at 5 months. Lady was about 3 weeks behind her Sister. Her sister lays blue egg, while Lady lays a green egg. In a breeder world, I suppose Lady would be bad because her egg is not blue, but she is my Lucky Lay so whe will be here forever.

As for the Blue's, they are just 6 months. She has not started laying to the best of my knowledge. It might be the cold weather, or perhaps she is going to be a late bloomer. The Blue Roo has just started to give a go of crowing and he is not very good at it yet. But he is working on it.

Thanks for asking!
Love the pictures, Ed. Maybe some day soon, there will be some Blue Orpingtons in those pics.
I adore my Ameraucana girls and so does my DH. I think one day, I'll be breeding those again. Just need to get with one of our good breeders on BYC for some pretty blue jewels.

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