Best Bedding for Brooder?

My chicks don't eat the wood chips.It seems the ducklings eat it more.They should be fine but you can provide chick grit to help them digest it better.
I bought some chick grit just in case. I have just heard so many horror stories about chicks eating wood chips and then dying a few days later... Thank you so much for the reassurance! :)
I prefer the Rubbermaid type shelf liner, with the tiny holes in it. I got a couple rolls of it, and cut them to the size of the tote. 1. It's soft, and gives them a good grip, especially when newly hatched. 2. You can put some feed on it the first few days, and they can't eat the liner. 3. It keeps it dry in the tote, if they spill their water. 4. I have a bunch of them cut to the size of the tote, so I can replace them when they get messy. 5. They're washable, and reusable. I transfer my chicks to a clean tote every day. When I take the messy tote(s) out to wash them, I put water in the bottom to soak them, before adding soap, and soak the shelf liners at the same time. Then, I either wash them in the soapy water when I wash the tote, or toss them in the washer with my "rags", since I add both detergent, and bleach to the washer.
That would work... I also am recieving a batch of guineas (not on pine shavings of course) and I have heard they aren't the brightest of the bunch :lol:
I use the larger pine shavings and on day one i'll add cardboard or paper, just a piece and spread a mix of sand, baby grit and feed on it. By day 2 or 3 they can use grit free choice. I also show one in five where the food is and where the water is. They'll teach the others.
To help keep shavings out of the water I put the water in a very shallow metal baking pan.
I use a cookie sheet then go bigger as they go bigger.
Eventually the water ends up on paving bricks.

By the time they are able to fling shavings that high they are in the coop/run and water goes outside.

I also use shavings. I do put feed on the cookie sheet so it is easy to find.

Mine always pick shavings up and sometimes do the chicken chase with a piece.
Over the years I have raised over 100 chicks this way. Any I have lost were weak to start with. Thinking back over the years I have only lost maybe 3 or 4.
Thank you all for replying! I have been sick today (migraine :(), so I just checked this thread. I might switch to sand later, and I have some rubberized shelf liner on standby. Do you guys put anything under the liner, to make it more soft and "bedding" like? (One of my weirdest questions, gotta start somewhere I guess :))
I use straw and have used it MANY times and never have had any problem with it. A 100 watt bulb about 2 feet up keeps them just right with the lid from the container covering half of it so they can get cooler if they want.. If you never have had Guineas, I would definitely reconsider. We had some last year and they were VERY loud and VERY obnoxious most of the day and ended up getting rid of them.
I planned on using pine shavings, but since my chicks will be about a day old, I didn't want to risk them eating the shavings... I have heard of people putting paper towels over the pine shavings for a couple days, but wouldn't they pick through/around the paper towels? I will also be getting keets, but I know they would eat the shavings, so I have an old towel in there, but I also have rubber shelf liner available. My main concern is the chicks, as I don't want them to eat pine shavings and not being able to digest them properly... :( Thanks for advice in advance.
They will not eat the shavings. They might pick up and eat a few, just to see what they are, but they will not eat them like food. Always use pine, never ceder, because ceder is poisonous can't remember much about it, but i know not to use ceder. Don't use any slippery things for the bottom of the brooder box such as plastic, cardboard, etc because they can get spraddle leg. Make sure the shavings are thick. You can use a towel if you are concerned about them eating the shavings, or if they happen to eat them for some reason, but the laundry is not going to be so nice!

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