Best broody breed?

You need a jersey giant hen. I've had a couple that were annoyingly broody. Like lock her out of the coop to free-range after getting the leather gloves out to not get bit while pulling her off the nest and she still walks around puffed up like a basketball all day broody. One of them gave her life defending the chicks from a coyote and the other adopted them. Sweet tempered brown eggs when not angry broody basketballs. And they laid nearly as well as my heritage reds

My Cochins, Salmon Faverolles, Australorps, Marans, and Javas were my most broody.

Thank you both! Did you get them from a hatchery of breeder? If hatchery, what hatchery?

I've been thinking about placing an order for 1 Black Copper Marans, 2 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Australorp. It's reassuring to hear about Marans and Australorps in your list @ColtHandorf! I will check out the Jersey Giants also! They seem like big lovebugs
Honestly that was 15 years ago. Hatcheries didn't have Marans then. They'd just started to gain in popularity over here and I had several colors and breeding pens. The Cuckoos were the broodiest for me. The Australorps were definitely hatchery stock. My Silver-laced Orpingtons are from breeders and I've not seen any broody behavior from them.

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