Best chicken breeds

I just have to rant about my EE cockerel, Nike. He's named that because of his colorful legs and feet and the fact that, when he was a chick, he was the hardest one to catch...he ran like greased lightning and had several tricks up keep from getting caught. But now that he's almost an adult, he's the sweetest, most laid back, benevolent cockerel/ almost rooster I've ever had! He will wander in front of me and stand there, til I almost fall over him. This morning he jumped on the closed feed bin and wouldn't get off....I stroked him for several minutes and he didn't mind one bit! I don't have any other roosters currently that are that quiet and easy going, although all of ours are gentle and respectful of people. I've had a few mixed breed chickens that were super pets, but I would have to guess at the mix. I think a lot depends on the individual, too.
My chickens are all super sweet, and I have often wondered how much of that was breed and how much of that was how I raised them (nature vs. nurture; which came first - the nice breeder or the the nice breed? - LOL). I have a Barred Rock, a Brahma, a Cochin, and a Buff Orpington. The BR and the Brahma, in particular, are smart and love to be petted and held. And the Brahma lays the most beautiful, perfect eggs. They're just brown, but they are big and almost shiny and completely blemish-free. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it....
Your brahmas are beautiful!! I plan on hatching some soon maybe the Easter hatch if my Barred Rock eggs I’m waiting on can get set and hatched in time..and Ireland nice always wanted to go my great grandfather came from there on a ship years ago married a Cherokee Indian he renamed Sarah in Virginia shortly after he arrived never met him he was gone before I was born but I sure did love my great grandma and running around on their farm in Virginia!! Maybe I’ll make it to see Ireland someday probably not no way I could leave my animals that long..guess that’s why it’s a dream lol
Can you tell me the breads of my chicken? I have 6 of them. 1 egg laying hen called patties, 3 younger hens called Brownie, Whitey and blacky; and I have two chicks around 4 w old named Naturey and Faturey.
Hello Mariyam! Are you in India? I am not sure of the breeds of your chickens, but they all look like mixed breeds to me. Nice little flock you have! :)
:popHoping someone will mention which breed is the hardiest with less health issues. I get so stressed when I have a sick hen.
I can't give you advice on health issues. My first flock was eaten by bears and didn't live long enough to be sick! My current flock of many different breeds is only a year old now. I've not had a sick chicken. . . . .yet! :fl
I have a Black Australorp that is so sweet, always has been even as a chick. She lays a big brown egg about 5 times per week. Great dispostion.

My Easter Egger is the same as my Australorp.

My Speckled Sussex is nice but has yet to lay an egg, maybe a late starter? She will be a year old in May.

I had a Barred Rock that I needed to re-home. She was an awful bully and had some issues with egg laying.

When I replenish my flock I will definatley get more austrlorps.
My Buff Orpington is the sweetest girl. She squats down whenever I’m near to let me pet her or pick her up to hold her. I have an Easter Egger who is just a PITA. Perhaps because she is at the bottom of the pecking order, but my Easter egger is skittish, squaky and won’t let me near her. Barred Rock and Black Orpington are also pretty friendly.
I think pecking order has a lot to do with their behavior, but I plan to get more buffs in a few weeks.
I've had numerous breeds, haven't found one I didn't like. My favorite chicken was an Australorp. But on strict friendliness, have to be cochins. I acquired some 8 month-olds sort of by accident. From day one they acted like we had been together since they hatched, whenever I'm out they seek me out. And I can pick them up and never a fuss.

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