Best indoor chicken breed

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Maybe it's the environment. I'm cool, calm and collected and mine are mellow.
Are you a nervous, flighty type by chance?

I don't think that's the cause, I'm usually very calm, but they act like i give them Gatorade instead of water

maybe its a matter of education, mine didnt do well on their chicken exams so they never graduated
It's not that I'm not going to spend time with it, it's just that I'll be going to school.
In all seriousness I grew up with Newfoundland dogs. Then I went to College and didn't have one in my dorm room. Then I got a job and an apartment and I REALLY REALLY wanted one. But I knew that I could not provide the life that, that particular animal should have in an apartment. So finally when I bought a house with land I got my Newfie. End of story. If you really want an animal, be the best animal owner you can be and provide it with what it needs. If you can't then wait until you can. Self control. You have chickens, you know what they are like. You know they won't live their best life indoors. Just because they might survive doesnt mean they're going to thrive. Imagine how some chick is going off to a farm while another one is destined for the indoors. Which one drew the short stick?
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I don't think that's the cause, I'm usually very calm, but they act like i give them Gatorade instead of water

maybe its a matter of education, mine didnt do well on their chicken exams so they never graduated
Try this: “Alexa, play Mozart in the coop”
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