Big Big woops!!


14 Years
Oct 1, 2008
Northern Colorado
I was loading the 1202 this morning as I have beens saving the RIR eggs for about a week now. As I was sliding them in something happened and the rack fell from my hand, needless to say 48 broken eggs. Well 44 but I think the others were likely jarred so decided not to set them. Should have had the coffee first.

This was to be sort of a fertility test as these are fairly young, but have been laying for about 8 weeks. I did get to look at a lot of yolks as I discarded them and the fertiltiy was very very poor so maybe not the worst thing that could have happened. I also lost about 8 Wheaten Marans and the fertility on those was pretty good

Oh well.
As we used to say when mining for gold. You are not a true miner until you have dropped a 2 ounce glass container on a rock in the river. I guess you are now a true egg hatcher. Sorry to hear about the eggs.
Clean up really sucked. Reaching the back of those cabinet incubators is a pain as it is, but getting all the egg goo took some doing. Fortunately none of the eggs were shipped, but still a bummer I have been saving eggs for about 10 days now.

I did not lose my rack of SLW and BLRW so they are in there cooking now.
I feel your pain. My fumbly fingers drop stuff all the time and it is frustrating. I dropped a "shipped" Champion, wait, "Champion" Silkie egg my 8 y/o bought all by herself, it was 4 days from hatching, and was the splash she was hoping for. Needless to say, the only one that DID hatch was white and deformed. Note to self..............get younger fingers to handle eggs, not that that was your problem, it's just my excuse. I am crossing my fingers your other tray hatches 100% Henz

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