Birchen barred pullet?


In the Brooder
Nov 16, 2020
Kenly, NC
Howdy friends! One of my pullets, Dora, (hatched Aug 15) is a color I've never seen before. Got her as an egg from a farm friend, she is a barnyard mix - a crele olive egger rooster over an unknown hen (she hatched from a brown egg but my friend has several brown laying breeds). I was playing around with the genetic calculator for configuring my breeding pens for this year (since I also have a crele olive egger rooster from said barnyard mix) and saw birchen barred. I thought huh, don't think I've ever seen a birchen barred chicken before, then realized Dora might be that? As she matures she has gotten a definite birchen look under her barring. Here she is (and my crele roo as a bonus because he's a looker 🙂 ). What do yall think? Birchen barred or some kind of leakage situation? Both? 🤔


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Howdy friends! One of my pullets, Dora, (hatched Aug 15) is a color I've never seen before. Got her as an egg from a farm friend, she is a barnyard mix - a crele olive egger rooster over an unknown hen (she hatched from a brown egg but my friend has several brown laying breeds). I was playing around with the genetic calculator for configuring my breeding pens for this year (since I also have a crele olive egger rooster from said barnyard mix) and saw birchen barred. I thought huh, don't think I've ever seen a birchen barred chicken before, then realized Dora might be that? As she matures she has gotten a definite birchen look under her barring. Here she is (and my crele roo as a bonus because he's a looker 🙂 ). What do yall think? Birchen barred or some kind of leakage situation? Both? 🤔
Never heard of the color! They are beautiful!
Thank you! I love the look of her and how her color is developing. If it is actually birchen barred it could be a fun project for the future (as if I needed another project :rolleyes:), and since I have the crele OE rooster part covered I just need to figure out who, or rather what, her mom was.
Thank you! I love the look of her and how her color is developing. If it is actually birchen barred it could be a fun project for the future (as if I needed another project :rolleyes:), and since I have the crele OE rooster part covered I just need to figure out who, or rather what, her mom was.
Howdy friends! One of my pullets, Dora, (hatched Aug 15) is a color I've never seen before.
What do yall think? Birchen barred or some kind of leakage situation? Both? 🤔

I have a cockerel who is Birchen Barred (Golden Spangled Spitzhauben roo over Dominique hen), hatched Aug 10. He's developing very similarly to your pullet.

It appears at least one of my Dominique hens is heterogeneous for extended black, so the Birchen is dominant on this one. Both of his brothers are barred on extended black with minimal to no leakage. He's the only one who turned out like this...

Here he is at 6 weeks

10 weeks

4 months (current)
Oh wow, thank you so much for showing him! He does look VERY similar to my gal, so I guess she is birchen barred after all! So cool, time for more research and probably another project. :D
Awesome! I always love seeing other people's experiments. Looking at your flock it seems like her mom was probably one of my friend's barred rocks - they're the only barred brown layers they have. I have an F2 barred (single copy) olive egger roo over her who I absolutely adore (his name is Pumpernickel) and I'm so curious to see what their chicks will look like. They both have a small crest (CCL in their lineage I'm guessing) so I'm hoping for some full crested babies perhaps? I'm not really up on my crested genealogy. :rolleyes: I'll be sure to add any updates on this project here!
Howdy friends! One of my pullets, Dora, (hatched Aug 15) is a color I've never seen before. Got her as an egg from a farm friend, she is a barnyard mix - a crele olive egger rooster over an unknown hen (she hatched from a brown egg but my friend has several brown laying breeds). I was playing around with the genetic calculator for configuring my breeding pens for this year (since I also have a crele olive egger rooster from said barnyard mix) and saw birchen barred. I thought huh, don't think I've ever seen a birchen barred chicken before, then realized Dora might be that? As she matures she has gotten a definite birchen look under her barring. Here she is (and my crele roo as a bonus because he's a looker 🙂 ). What do yall think? Birchen barred or some kind of leakage situation? Both? 🤔
It’s very likely that she is not birchen. The pattern you’re seeing is leakage. It often looks very similar to the birchen pattern, but is not genetically the same. The genetics calculator doesn’t account for leakage.
Also, since she has pink/white legs and feathered feet, which are dominant genes, that’s what her mother has, too.
since she has pink/white legs and feathered feet, which are dominant genes, that’s what her mother has, too.

Good point that at least one parent must show each of those traits. But I would recommend that OP look at the father's legs & feet too. Since he's an Olive Egger, and Olive Eggers are often Marans crosses, that might be the source of the leg color and foot feathers.

a crele olive egger rooster over an unknown hen (she hatched from a brown egg but my friend has several brown laying breeds)

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